Examples Of Greek Gods And Goddesses

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The gods and goddesses that the Greeks worshiped helped them to explain a lot of what they did not understand in the world around them. For example, take the story of Persephone. They could not understand the changing of the seasons, or why winter occurred with crops being unable to grow. To explain this, they came up with Persephone’s story, which was that the god of the Underworld (Hades) capturing her to have her as his queen. Demeter’s sadness at the loss of her daughter led to what would have been an eternal winter if not for a compromise that was made. The compromise entailed that Persephone would live with Hades for half of the year, and with her mother the other half. The time that she lives with Hades became known as winter, when the crops do not grow due to Demeter missing her daughter. The six months of the year that Persephone does live with Demeter is when the crops grow as a result of her happiness to be reunited with her daughter. …show more content…

The earth shaking can seem like a divine act to those without geographical understanding, so of course they would chalk it up to an act of wrath from an unhappy god. Living in a land surrounded by water, they would also need an explanation of events such as tsunamis for the same reason they need one for earthquakes. They are terribly destructive events that, at the time, they could not think of any other logical reasoning for their occurrence. When a bad storm occurred, or someone was struck by lightning, they would think that it was Zeus showing his anger towards

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