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Griffin Turner
Mr. Arnold
English 12 - A
9 September 2015
Glory in Beowulf
As a young kid Nate had imagined he was fighting feared monsters, many times more than once. He would defeat these monsters and parade around like he owned the world. Nate was imagining that he had much glory from killing these monsters, like the way that Beowulf had real glory from defeating his monsters. Every time that Beowulf killed a monster he gained more glory and treasure. As the leader of the Geats he had to be fearless to show his glory and prove his ability as a leader. In reality there are two kinds of glory, real earned glory and glory made by telling false stories or making things seem better than they really were.
False glory is very easy
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And only one of them Remained, stood there, miserable, remembering, As a good man must, what kinship should mean. His name was Wiglaf, he was Wexstan’s son And a good soldier; his family had been Swedish, Once. Watching Beowulf, he could see How his king was suffering, burning. Remembering Everything his lord and cousin had given him, Armor and gold and the great estates Wexstan’s family enjoyed, Wiglaf ’s Mind was made up; he raised his yellow Shield and drew his sword. . . . (691-705)
Wiglaf was the only person that had stayed to help his king and by doing this while all the other soldiers ran away it magnified his glory infinitely more than before. It was magnified so much that Beowulf made him king because of his bravery and loyalty to him. The theme of glory in Beowulf is shown many times and is shown in two different ways. The first was self glory from when Beowulf killed Grendel and freed the Danes from his terrible nightly feasts on their bodies. The second was when Wiglaf was the only one who stood up and fought alongside his king when he was needed. The second probably gave the more glory in the end because Wiglaf became the king after that fight. This is where glory was in the story of
Beowulf wants to fight Grendel, a monster wreaking havoc, and is boasting that he is more powerful and courageous.
In the Anglo-Saxon times, honor, bravery and loyalty were very important morals. Beowulf and Wiglaf showed loyalty in this poem by sticking to their word. Beowulf killed all the monsters and also risked his life. Wiglaf sticks by Beowulf side when he knew that his king were struggling to kill the dragon. The battles between the monsters and the clear descriptions give the poem a more vivid approach and gives the audience bold imagery.
The Story Beowulf is an Epic poem written in the Anglo-Saxon period. The author of the poem is unknown. Beowulf is the hero of the story and the Thane to Hygelac the king of the Geats in Sweden. When Beowulf finds out the Grendel (the big guy) is causing problems in Denmark he decides to go over there and help them out. He fights Grendel and everyone is happy. Then Grendels mother comes to avenge her son so Beowulf has to go fight her also. After winning that battle Beowulf goes back to the Geats and becomes king and rules for fifty winters. Everything is good until he has to go fight this dragon. The dragon ends up killing Beowulf. In the story you can see how things like Honor, fame, and Courage are associated with Beowulf. The reason that he take the dangerous journey is to gain all there of those characteristics in his journey. Out lines below is how he gets each one of those traits in the story.
The great heroic story of Beowulf gives many examples of the traits a great leader should have. At the end, those same traits were demonstrated by Wiglaf who then became the king of the Geats. This proves that these traits were essential to the Anglo-Saxon culture; however, this also makes Beowulf contemporary. The poem has many themes that are still applicable today. Natural respect and trust are fundamental parts of character in Beowulf and in today's society. This is a great reason to keep reading Beowulf and take it as an example of honor and loyalty. Beowulf is a great hero but also a great example along with many of the characters. The poem itself teaches the reader about respect and
In the poem Beowulf, the protagonist is portrayed as a heroic figure who strives to spread his name and glory out across the land in order to be remembered. Although his acts may not entirely be for the right reasons, Beowulf does express his heroic qualities of bravery, arrogance, and brute force.
This final battle proves to be the most difficult for Beowulf; he is pushed to the brink, but, “inspired again by the thought of glory”, he musters just enough strength to strike down the dragon (Heaney 19). This language proposes that Beowulf’s chief motive for fighting the dragon is “the thought of glory”. Additionally, this depicts Beowulf as selfish, as he seemingly neglects his people. Niles opposes this viewpoint, stating that “nothing suggests that the king enters [the fight] as a way of winning personal glory”(Niles 94). Rather than for solely personal gain, Niles correctly asserts that Beowulf is focused on saving his people, as that is his first duty as an Anglo Saxon king. However, Beowulf accomplishes this very goal by carrying out his desire to uphold his heroic image. It was Beowulf’s own “thought of glory” that spurred his rally to kill off the dragon; in effect, Beowulf’s desire to preserve his image saved his people. Even though the narrator uses the story of the dragon to emphasize Beowulf’s greediness and lust for glory, it is the outcome of the fight reveals the true reason for Beowulf’s bravery. By striving to retain his honorous reputation, Beowulf simultaneously protects his people, effectively fulfilling his role as king as both a servant and an esteemed
The society that he terrorized was happy and always rejoicing. “As now warriors sang of their pleasure/ So Hrothgar’s men lived happily in this hall… (11)”
Throughout the epic Beowulf attempts to introduce himself as someone worthy of glory by boasting of his skills and deeds. These boasts show Beowulf’s glory seeking tendencies. One of these boasts
...fight the dragon. Beowulf understood that the key to being a great leader was selflessness, which is also why he chose Wiglaf, son of Wexstan, to be his successor. In Beowulf’s time of greatest need Wiglaf was the only selfless warrior that came to Beowulf’s aid. Even in death, Beowulf understood all the qualities of a great leader and saw them in Wiglaf.
“Anyone with gumption/ and a sharp mind will take the measure/ of two things,” states one of the Danish warriors in Beowulf: “what’s said and what’s done” (287-289). Beowulf is, above all, a poem about language, about storytelling: the stories told of the great ones, and the stories the great ones hope will be told about themselves. It is a poem about the importance of boasting and vows, the power of the word made flesh, and the crucial link between worda ond worca, “what’s said and what’s done.” The bulk of the poem's content does not concentrate on what is happening in the present action of the tale, but on the telling what has happened and what will happen. Through language, the Danes and the Geats state their intentions and define themselves as a people; they recall the past exploits that shape the present, and "a battle-scarred veteran, bowed with age,/ would begin to remember the martial deeds/ of his youth and prime and be overcome/ as the past welled up in his wintry heart" (2112-2115). Stories of times gone by and boasts of past accomplishments link the characters to their past; vows of deeds to come and the promise of glory after their deaths help to carry them into the future. As parallels between the past and the present are constantly drawn, the heroes use the example of earlier warriors in hopes of accomplishing the great deeds that will win them similar renown.
The author of Beowulf incorporated the pagan and Christian concepts of fate to promote a system of monarchy where power is passed on through heirs as opposed to the system where the greatest, strongest warrior claims the throne. By attributing accomplishments to fate and declaring them to be acts of God, the author makes the pursuit of glory less attractive. This new interpretation of fate shows how the gathering of fame and glory can lead to more violence, which in turn makes glory less desired. If glory is no longer a highly held value in this society then the system no longer functions. Once the system is made illegitimate, there is a necessity for a new kind of system to be instituted. Throughout the entire poem we are told that the strongest bond is between kin, and that the bonds created through buying people off do not always hold up. The new system of governance is then based on the stability of kinship, and we can see this when Wiglaf inherits the throne in the end. The purpose of fate in the Christian revised version of Beowulf is meant to show the problems with the Warrior-King System of passing power and to establish a system based on the stability of kinship.
To start off, Beowulf, identified as the greatest Anglo- Saxon, pursues glory and fame. He brags about himself and his accomplishments. When it was time to battle Grendal, Beowulf states “my youth have been filled with glory”. (143-144). He boasts about what the people have witnessed. Beowulf says to his men, “They have seen my strength for themselves, have watched me rise from the darkness of war, dripping my enemies’ blood. I drove five great giants into chains, chased all of the race from the earth” (151-155). In addition to Beowulf bragging about himself and his accomplishments, Beowulf embodies that fame and glory mean more than anything else. When Beowulf helmet failed him, he jumped back in battle because
Throughout the epic poem, Beowulf shows his love for glory by fighting for his kingdom. Beowulf was Geatland’s greatest warrior which means that he was always thirsty for a battle. So once Geatland found out that Denmark was being terrorized by Grendel, Beowulf was the first to help. One of the first ways the epic shows this trait of a love of glory is after the
Pride manifests itself into many different forms and will sometimes overshadow a person 's good judgement, in turn affecting their actions. It is truly the cause for the rise and fall of men for centuries and thus has become one of the greatest concepts to be addressed in British literature. Throughout the literary works studied this semester, some form of pride has always presented itself as a major theme.
In line 763-764, one of Beowulf’s warrior said: “I remember that time when mead was flowing, how we pledged loyalty to our lord in the hall.” The quote explain Wiglaf’s loyalty that are still remained towards his lord, because he had not forgotten what he pledged for. In line, 168-172, “He picked us out from the army deliberately, honoured us and judge us fit for this action, made me these lavish gifts and all because he considered us the best of his arms-bearing Thane.” The second quote Beowulf honored his warriors and gave them his lavish that showed his loyalty towards them. However comitatus is Beowulf’s most important culture out of Lof and Wyrd, because Wyrd is shown mostly throughout the story of