Examples Of Friendship In The Help

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Friendship in The Help - Emily Rolls In the film The Help directed by Tate Taylor and based off the novel written by Katherine Stockett, the theme of the worth (value sounds better) of friendship is prominent to all viewers. The friendship between Minny and Aibileen, and Aibileen and Skeeter are excellent examples of lifelong friends, interracial friends, and friends who hold a firm place in each other’s hearts. However, Hilly and Elizabeth’s friendship is purely structured off jealousy, false perceptions of people, the need to impress and feel accepted, and the need for being Queen Bee and having a large crowd of people around them. These friendships are examples of how we should and should not use our superiority and social rank to influence …show more content…

Aibileen is an African-American maid working for a white woman named Elizabeth Leefolt. Skeeter is a young white woman, fresh out of university and wishing to become a “serious writer”. Skeeter asks Aibileen for help with a cleaning column for the Jackson Journal newspaper in Mississippi as a distraction for asking Aibileen for help with writing a book that shows the blacks perspective of working for white families. During the writing of The Help, Skeeter delves deeper into becoming a civil rights activist which brings her and Aibileen closer as friends, also opening them both up to a whole new world of perspective. Although, living in Mississippi during the 1960’s, they forget about the heavy racism of their town and focus on each other. Skeeter and Aibileen can happily joke and feel comfortable enough around each other to snort while laughing. Katherine Stockett and Tate Taylor show us the importance of the ability to not judge a book by its cover or a person by their skin colour. Skeeters’ and Aibileen's’ friendship is loving, caring, trusting, and understanding – all very important traits of an interracial friendship of that era and area. However, I do believe that these are all qualities of any relationship in any era or area. Their friendship also …show more content…

Katherine Stockett has written Hilly to be an overly racist, hypocritical, cruel, exceptionally wealthy and a “godless woman”, with her only intention to achieve ‘Queen Bee’ status and to obtain a large crowd of ‘worker bees’ or admirers. Whereas, Elizabeth was written to be a pathetic young woman who tries too hard to impress Hilly, she is not as wealthy as Hilly and can never achieve the level of acceptance from Hilly. Sadly enough, being accepted from a horrible person like Hilly is her only goal. Elizabeth sews her own dresses because she can’t afford a new dress for every occasion, like Hilly can, and Hilly never compliments her effort. She also buys crystal-looking op-shop glass ornaments to place in her living room to make it look like she has more money than she actually does. Elizabeth also owns a piano that sits in her living room and is never played; it most likely is out of tune and has missing keys. Elizabeth allows Hilly to walk all over her like a doormat in order to hopefully be accepted into her clique. In a scene at the diner, Hilly and Elizabeth are sitting opposite each other however, when Skeeter arrives, Hilly nudges her head to the side to tell Elizabeth to move aside rather than doing it herself. Hilly even fires Elizabeth’s’ beloved main Aibileen for a false accusation for stealing silverware. To me, it is sad to see such a lovely young woman being

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