Examples Of Fate Vs Free Will Macbeth

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Fate vs Free Will has always been one of the most controversial topics from early history, and for no surprise because everyone is fascinated about their future. Many people believe that life is predetermined and anything you do won’t transmute your future. Others believe that you are sanctioned to mold your own destiny and optate your own path. Your mind, for example, has total free will up to the point where you believe that everything you think is controlled by faith. Then you wouldn’t have a free thought because all that you will think was always going to be thought, and thus making faith decide you. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for certain and that is that we’ll never know the future because it is beyond our ken.
The first philosophers to question Fate vs Free Will originated in ancient Greece in the 6th century BCE. The philosophers were called Presocratics and their purpose was to question and investigate the ultimate basis and essential nature of the external world. One of the first philosopher to question fate was Aristotle by saying “…If it was always …show more content…

In Macbeth Fate vs Free Will is firstly is shown when the Sergeant says “And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling, Show'd like a rebel's whore: but all's too weak: For brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name— Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel, Which smoked with bloody execution,” ( ) the sergeant implies that Macbeth should have been killed but he was somehow stronger than his own fate. However, the sergeant continues to say that he may have defeated his own fate now, but it will soon catch up to him later. This is foreshadowing his inevitable demise proving the theory of fate. Although, it would also be misleading to say that the sergeant understands fate, instead he could have thought logically because after all Macbeth did undergo a hard battle and so the sergeant could have been surprised he

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