Examples Of Dreams Coming True In The Great Gatsby

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“Dreams that do come true can be as unsettling as those that don’t.” Brett Butler, an American actress, agrees with this quote that even when you achieve your goals that they could be as scary as the dreams that you don’t achieve. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald shows examples through the characters, especially Daisy and Gatsby. Their relationship is basically one huge example of dreams coming true but at the same time the dreams being quite stressful and scary. Throughout The Great Gatsby, Gatsby puts forth an incredible effort to make Daisy happy again and to try to win her back, this almost comes true but this dream comes to a horrible reality. When Gatsby and Daisy meet at Nick’s house, both feel embarrassed and feel as if meeting again was a big mistake. While in this situation both show examples of this feeling physically and emotionally. During Gatsby and Daisy's tea at Nick’s house, Gatsby pulls nick aside and exclaims, “This is a terrible mistake...a …show more content…

As Tom and Gatsby’s fight begins, Gatsby is telling Tom that Daisy never loved him when Daisy shockingly interjects and says, “Even alone I can’t say I never loved Tom” (Fitzgerald, 140). Gatsby thinking that Daisy and Tom’s love is fake, tries to tell Tom about how she doesn’t love him. Tom, knowing this is wrong, ignores the comment and goes directly after Daisy’s heart reminding her of the times that she felt their love was real. This comes into play later in the chapter when Tom starts to take the lead in the fight.While Tom and Gatsby battle it out in the apartment, Tom realizes that he has finally topped Gatsby and in a smart remark he says, “Go on he won’t annoy you. I think he realizes that his presumptuous little flirtation is over”(Fitzgerald, 142). Gatsby realizes his dream of winning Daisy back has come to a screeching halt when Tom lays down the law and shows Daisy that he is indeed better for her than Gatsby

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