Examples Of Dictatorship In Animal Farm

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Napoleon, the leader of the Animal Farm, was a tyrannous pig. Napoleon was always the second in command behind Snowball until he chased him out and became the leader. Soon after that he became a cruel leader that killed his animals and lied to them. Napoleon was an evil dictator that ruled with lies and corruption.

Napoleon shows that power leads to greed. He broke the Animal Farm rules so he could live more luxuriously than the other animals. On pg 67 Napoleon says “ We pigs now sleep in the beds in the farmhouse”. Because of Napoleon saying this one can tell that he thinks just because the pigs have power that they can lie to the other animals to get what they want. On pg 109 Muriel read “ No animal shall drink alcohol to excess”. To excess is italicized because in the book it is shown that Squealer changed the rule to make it so Napoleon could drink alcohol even though the original farm rules didn’t allow it. Napoleon changing the rules is another example of him breaking the rules just to get what he wants because he can. …show more content…

He mistreated and harmed animals to show that he was in command. On pg 55 Squealer says “discipline, comrades, iron discipline”. Squealer said that to show that Napoleon would not allow any form of disobedience and if you did disobey him, he would not mind harming or even killing to set an example of discipline. On pg 124 Squealer says “ It was the most affecting sight I have ever seen. Boxer was given the best care and medicines all bought generously by Napoleon”. Because of Squealer defending Napoleon, the animals believed him and didn’t understand that Boxer was being brought to the knackers where they will kill him and only pretend to mind about him dying. Also because of this, one can tell that Napoleon doesn’t mind lying to his animals and isn’t afraid of doing and saying things he has to do to keep his

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