Examples Of Bravery In Odysseus

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Odysseus doesn’t only show cleverness, but also him and I also show great bravery to others. When Odysseus and his men go into the Cyclops's cave, Odysseus has to be brave and think of a way for him and his remaining men to escape from the Cyclops’s cave, “Now, by the gods, I drove my big hand spike deep in the embers, charring it again, and cheered my men along with battle talk to keep their courage up: no quitting now” (906). Odysseus is telling his men a strategy to escape from the Cyclopes for them to be able to survive from the Cyclopes eating anymore of the men, a way I have showed bravery was when I had to conquer my fear of heights on a rollercoaster last spring, but I stuck through it just like Odysseus had to stick to his plan for

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