Examples Of Anglo Saxon Values In Beowulf

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The Anglo-Saxon values are exhibited in their poetry. Beowulf is a good example of these values. Courage, loyalty, and the belief of fate are evident in this epic. In this epic Beowulf written by an unknown author courage is shown in many ways.Beowulf is a very courageous man. It took courage for him to come across the sea all the way from sweden to denmark to fight a monster. Not only did Beowulf travel the sea to fight grendel, but he also shoes courage by ḿy purpose was this: but to win the goodwill of your people or die in battle(366 & 367) Another Anglo-Saxon value shown is loyalty. Beowulf is a very loyal person. Beowulf was racing his friend, they swim 7 cold winter nights and, he fought 9 monsters. For 5 days he swam by his friends

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