Evolution Argument

1038 Words3 Pages

Over the last 150 years, evolutionary theory has completely refined people’s understanding of changes in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over time, and this theory has now become a unifying concept of the life sciences. In 1859, through his book The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin proposed that organisms evolve over time to adapt to their environment and therefore achieve longevity and success as a species at large. Moreover, Darwin was able to support his theory with significant research, and subsequent studies were able to provide additional backing for evolution. Needless to say, this theory caused great controversy at the time it was proposed, especially among religious groups. Darwin’s theory blatantly disputed other ideas specific to certain religious cultures pertaining to the origins of life, such as intelligent design. This opposition detrimentally delayed acceptance of Darwinism and further scientific research based upon the theory. Despite being universally accepted as fact among the scientific community for decades, the ever-present opposition from pious religious subcultures still calls into question whether evolution should be taught to students in high school biology classes. Darwin’s theory of evolution is backed by extensive data, is accepted science that students, due to academic integrity, have a right to learn and, unlike alternative theories based mostly on theology, is based solely on facts; therefore, evolution should be included in the high school curriculum.
The most obvious reason that evolution should have a place in classrooms is the significant research backing the theory. Darwin’s initiative observations that led to his theory involved various species present throughout the ...

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... in species. Evolution, a fully objective topic, is indeed backed by large quantities of convincing research, and children should be free to have their minds opened to this important law of nature. Darwin actually documented his own doubts in evolution as it was first proposed, but as more data was gathered he began to firmly believe his theory was correct. There is more than enough research to convince people of this scientific truth; all that is needed is more open-mindedness among students and teachers alike. The objective facts supporting Darwinism show that the topic is something that students should have a right to learn. As our knowledge of science evolves, it is clear that evolution will one day be fully accepted. At this point, however, people should work to expedite this acceptance for the advancement of science and the liberation of the minds of students.

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