Evaluating the Success of America's Policy of Containment of Communism

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Evaluating the Success of America’s Policy of Containment

American policy of containment refers to the foreign policy strategy

of the US in the early years of the Cold war. The policy was to defeat

the Soviet Union by preventing it from expanding the territories under

its Communist control or otherwise extending its influence. This,

naturally, resulted in strained relations and rivalry between the two

superpowers. Despite the many difficulties, American policy of

containment during the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the

Vietnam War did manage to contain the expansion of Communism to a

certain extent.

The containment of communism in Korea was successful. The Korean War,

which started on June 25, 1950 and ended with a cease fire on July 27,

1953, was a civil war between North Korea and South Korea. This Cold

War era fighting is considered to have been a proxy war between the

United States and its Western democratic allies, and the Communist

powers (Soviet Union and People’s Republic of China). North Korea was

supported by Communist China and the Soviet Union, and South Korea was

supported by the United States and its Western allies. Communist North

Korea sought to spread its influence and control to the South. In

October 1950, hostility spilled over into open warfare. North Korean

troops overwhelmed the South Korean forces and by September 1950 all

except a small corner of South Korea was under Communist control. Once

the North Koreans invaded, the Americans with the help of their strong

allies managed to push the North Koreans back and continued fighting

ensured that the North Korean army lost its footing on South Korean

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...ntainment of communism and

Soviet's influence was not as successful as it was hoped to be. The

Americans managed to contain the spread of Communism to a certain

extent during the Korean War and to a limited extent during the Cuban

Missile Crisis. One of the reasons for the South Korean success was

that the Korean terrain was familiar and there was tremendous support

from the Korean people. On the other hand, the Vietnam War was a thorn

in the side because American troops were not familiar with the

Vietnamese rain forest terrains. Despite setbacks in other areas, the

American policy of containment was successful at keeping the Soviet

Union from conquering American allies in Western Europe and North-east

Asia. The spread and influence of communism was definitely curtailed

and democracy thrived in many parts of the world.

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