Euthenasia Moral and Ethical Implications

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Voluntary euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a patient suffering from an incurable or irreversible disease, at the request of that patient . The practice takes two forms: ‘assisted suicide’, by which a doctor helps a patient to end his or her life; and ‘active euthanasia’, in which a physician terminates the life of a patient. By far, the most common method of euthanasia is ‘lethal injection’, in which an individual is administered a fatal cocktail of drugs. Due to its moral and ethical implications, euthanasia is hotly debated all over the world. As of 2014, three nations – the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg – allow active euthanasia. Switzerland and certain US states, Washington, Oregon, Vermont and Montana; permit assisted suicide. In Australia, active euthanasia was legal in the Northern Territory from 1995 to 1997; before being outlawed by the Federal Government. Even where it is legal, euthanasia remains a divisive issue, with ordinary citizens holding mixed opinions on its usefulness and moral acceptability. In Oregon, for example, euthanasia was legalised on only 51% of the vote. Amongst medical professionals, euthanasia remains a cause for concern, with many feeling the practice undermines the concepts of medical ethics, universal healthcare, and medical science. In the United States, only 16% of physicians surveyed would consider halting life-saving therapy if the family of the patient requested it. By far the most quoted and discussed argument against euthanasia is the way in which the practice degrades and undermines the value of human life. Since childhood, we are taught by our parents, teachers and friends not to treat our bodies as a means to our own ends. We are encouraged not to sm... ... middle of paper ... ...uthanasia arguments. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 February 14]. Debate.Org. 2014. Do people have a right to die?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 February 14]. Ethical Rights. 2012. Euthanasia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 February 14]. Way of Life Literature. 2013. Do We Have the "Right to Die?". [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 February 14]. Wikipedia. 2014. Euthanasia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 February 14]. Wikipedia. 2014. Lethal Injection. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 February 14].

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