Euthanasia Opinion

665 Words2 Pages

Euthanasia Opinion

Euthanasia is the intentional termination of life by another at the

request of the person who dies. Although it is legal in Holland, it is

illegal throughout the UK and is an extremely controversial topic

often discussed in the media. When it is being debated it is essential

to address all the issues and arguments for and against, religious and

non-religious, as all the churches oppose it strongly.

There are very many points against euthanasia. The first is that life

is a gift from God and only he can take it away. This is obviously a

strong religious argument that many people feel cannot be argued

against, as any gift from God should be treasured. Some people also

argue that there are many pain-killing drugs that will relieve the

patients suffering and that at the time the patient may not be able to

make a rational decision or may change their minds but be incapable of

expressing this to a doctor. Older people may feel they are becoming a

burden upon their families and other people and opt for euthanasia

although they may actually want to continue living. It also means that

the relationship of trust between doctors and patients is put at risk

as it goes against the Hippocratic Oath that doctors must try to

preserve life. Some people argue that if there were better facilities

for caring for the dying there would be no need for euthanasia.

Euthanasia is also seen to devalue life and can be said to be the

first step on a "slippery slope."

The Catholic Church has the following opinion on euthanasia:

"…Euthanasia goes against Christianity and the will of God. It is

sinful and wrong."

Although the churches disagree strongly with euthanasia, there are

still many people who would put forward strong arguments for it and

would like to see it legalised. These arguments would be that it can

quickly and humanely end a patient's suffering and it can help to

shorten the grief and emotional pain of the loved ones of the

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