Euthanasia Is Religious, Medically, and Legally Wrong in Canada

1315 Words3 Pages

Euthanasia is defined as "a painless killing,espacially to end a

painful and incurable disease; mercy killing". The righteousness of this act is

being debated in several countries throughout the world,and Canada is no

exception. Euthanasisa must not be accepted for religious, legal and medical

reasons, as alternatives to such a dramatic end.

To begin,the law,both civil and religious,forbid killing. Individuals

are prosecuted in courts of law for committing murder. An example of this is

the case of Robert Latimer. Although he claimed to have mercifully ended the

life of his daughter who suffered from an extreme case of cerebral palsy,he

was convicted of murder in the second digree. The courts were obliged to find

him guilty as he broke the law by taking the life of another human being.

Robert Latimer took it upon himself to decide that his daughter would never

lead a full life. Tracy Latimer was never given an opportunity for success, as

her life was taken. A not guilty verdict would have told people that parents

of disabled children can perform both voluntary euthanasia on their children.

In the United States, euthanasia was voted on for the first time in the state

of Washington. Although polls before the vote revealed strong support for

it,the ballot was defeated by fifty-four to forty-six percent,and euthanasia

remains illegal in Noth America. In addition to violating civil law,euthanasia

also contradicts the laws of many religions of the world. It is God who

controlls life and death. Man will take this responsibility if euthanasia is

permitted. It is stated in the ten commandments,"Do not...

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...p; In conclusion, euthanasia is religiously, legally and medically wrong.

There are many alternatives to this act of murder. It is not man's decision to

judge whether or not a person should be put to death, even if it is their wish.

According to Leon Kass of the new England Journal of Medicine:"Verbal request

made under duress rarely revealed the whole story. Often a demand for

euthanasia is,in fact an angry or anxious plea for help, born of fear of

rejection or abandonment,or made in ignorance of available alternatives that

could alleviate pain and suffering". Euthanasia has no place in a world which

is already suffering from numerous accounts of too early death. Euthanasia

will only result in death coming too early in life. The effects it will be

huge,if allowed. There is only one person with the right to kill; GOD.

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