European Absolutism

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Absolutism, a single word that has passed through a large history, has made people bigger and with enormous power. This essay is going to explain what is absolutism and how has it been developed through history, including some personal comments about the belief of the acts done during this time. According to the Oxford Reference Online in the Digital Library, absolutism is "the government with unlimited power vested in one individual group. It is used primarily to describe the 18-th century European monarchies that claimed divine hereditary right to rule." I consider that it defines briefly, on what consist this type of government. It was based on a brain wash of all the people that lived at that time, they were thought that there were Noble people that was sent by god, this Noble people has the powers of god here on earth. In this case, the King was the representative of god in this planet, and what he does was only the god's will and everyone should obey with no option and exception. Under that consent, which I mean under the god's consent, Kings could do anything and manage a whole kingdom who has strong beliefs in religion and that what they were doing was the right thing. Nevertheless, it was said that the noble and ecclesiastic people were clever than the rest, which I know that it was not true, it was only that these people were the only ones who had the opportunity to go to that time schools and learn about science, literature and arts. However, they developed their skills more than the courtesan people and that was why they were the clever people rather than anyone else. Considering historical facts, it is important to notice that absolutism was raised because of the hard times that Europe was facing during t... ... middle of paper ... ... for them and principles of self-rule. As a conclusion, we can say that besides some approaches developed as the natural law and the King's divine right, we can observe that absolutism far from being a brutal way of mistreating the inhabitants of the kingdoms, the complete obedience to a single ruler, was said to be essential to maintain the order and security. The unique alternative was the struggling challenge of the divided ways of thought. The monarchs had their authorities and tended to become heads of the church as well as the state, so their power was absolute and no one can refute, so it was impossible for medieval monarchs confronted by a church that was essentially a rival centre of the authority. I would like to finish the essay with the most familiar assertion furnished by Louis XIV, monarch of France, "L'etat c'est moi", which means I am the state.

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