Kassie Bunch
Module 1 Essay, Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic cells, which include bacteria, are structurally simpler than eukaryotic cells, such as plants and animals. When it comes to their external structure, their biggest similarity is their plasma membrane. The plasma membrane, or cell membrane, is the structure that separates the external environment from the cell. The plasma membrane is made up of lipids, proteins, and phospholipids. The lipids form two layers and the proteins float within the lipid and thus forms the fluid mosaic structure. The proteins in the fluid mosaic structure are what carry out most of the functions of the membrane. Prokaryotic cells are substantially smaller than eukaryotic. They range from 0.2-2.0um in diameter whereas eukaryotic cells are typically 10-100um in diameter. Prokaryotic
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Internally, eukaryotes are much more complex than prokaryotes. The organelles within eukaryotes are membrane-bound and prokaryotic organelles are not. Eukaryotic organelles consist of lysosomes, rough and smooth ER (endoplasmic reticulum), Golgi apparatus, endosomes, peroxisomes, and glyoxisomes. The function of endoplasmic reticulum is to manufacture lipids and proteins. They purpose of the Golgi apparatus is to transport materials throughout the cell. These are the complex cytoplasmic organelles of eukaryotes. They also carry out cellular respiration via the mitochondria and chloroplasts. Mitochondria fuel cell activities by making chemical energy. Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis in plants. They also have a complex cytoskeleton structure including microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules. The cytoskeleton is responsible for shape, support, and movement throughout the cell. Eukaryotes also have the ability to undergo phagocytosis, which is the ability to ingest material within plasma membrane
There are many different cells that do many different things. But all of these cells fall into two categories: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and are larger in size than prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells do not contain a nucleus, are smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells. Two of their similarities are they both have DNA as their genetic material and are covered by a cell membrane.
In the 1960s the HeLa cells were everywhere. In the 1960s the scientist wondered since the cells grew so fast and lived on earth so well if they would live in space. They got the idea to send the Hela cells to space. They sent several vials into space by the Discoverer XVII when it went. They discovered that when the HeLa cells went to space they became more powerful and divided faster every time they went to space. Several years later in 1965 they took equal amounts from the HeLa cells and cells from a mouse. The scientists done this to study to see what the genes would do. Harris also took HeLa cells and chicken cells, but they discovered they couldn’t reproduce.
Eukaryotic Cells are Deemed as a Result of the Evolution of Symbiotic Prokaryotes Both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells over time have sustained very dynamic changes from one another. More specifically we have seen the appearance of a more complicated and organized cell structure, the nucleus. However the big question amongst scientists today is how did these changes first occur? A fundamental concept of this evolution is the belief in the natural progression 'from the simple, to the more complex.' However one popular theory that argues that Prokaryotic symbiosis was responsible for forming the Eukaryotic nucleus is the 'Endosymbiotic Theory' this theory was first proposed by a former Boston University Biologist known as Lynn Margulis in the 1960's.
Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell Simplest and ancient Complex and evolved from prokaryotes Single-cell Single-cell or multicellular Lacks nucleus Contains nucleus Contains cell wall (peptidoglycan) Contains cellulose cell wall only in plant cells Small ribosomes scattered throughout the cytoplasm. No mitochondria hence respiration takes place on an infolding of the cell membrane called mesosome Contains large ribosomes, Golgi bodies, mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Lacks chlorophyll Contains chlorophyll (plant cells) DNA is naked DNA is linear, associated with proteins in a nucleus, surrounded by nuclear envelope One chromosome is present but not a true one One or more chromosomes are present Posses one or more flagella for movement Lacks flagella Cell division occurs by In multicellular organisms, some cells perform their own specific functions called specialised cells. These cells have special structures which help them to do their individual tasks effectively. These cells do not replicate and die after their life cycle is complete. Examples of specialised cells are Red Blood Cells (RBC), Sperm cells, etc.
If a cell was a restaurant the cell wall would be like the walls of the restaurant because the walls protect the restaurant from the outside and gives shape to the restaurant in the same way the cell wall protects,supports,and gives shape to the cell. The cell membrane would be like the doors of the restaurant because the doors allow people to go
The rough endoplasmic reticulum allows the cell to produce proteins. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is used in the detoxification processes in the cell and the transitional endoplasmic reticulum is used to breakdown glycogen to glucose. The endoplasmic reticulum is versatile and grows and shrinks according to the cell's activities. Chloroplasts which are found in plant cells are used in the process of photosynthesis. They fall into the category of plastids but they are differentiated in that they contain chlorophyll.
Eukaryotic cells share several distinguishing features, such as: cytoplasm within specialized organelles such as the mitochondria, chloroplast, the Golgi complex, both a rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, a nuclear envelope that isolates DNA from the cytoplasm, and a endomembrane system that provides structure and function to the organelles of the cell. Both the mitochondrion and chloroplast are energy transducing organelles, meaning that they transform energy from one form to another, and are believed to be evolved from free living prokaryotes as held by the theory of endosymbiosis. This theory suggests that infolding of the plasma membrane coupled with the absorption of a prokaryotic cells by other prokaryotes could evolve into a later, more complex and specialized type of cell and is proofed by related morphological features such as between cytobacteria and chloroplasts, and between mitochondria and aerobic prokaryotes. Further substantiation includes mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduction through binary fission like prokaryotes, the presence of DNA in both free living prokaryotes and in energy transducing organelles (apart from in the nucleus), protein synthesis and the presence of enzymes and ribosomes where the ribosomes of prokaryotes are comparable to those in mitochondria and chloroplast,
Eukaryotic cells, whether from animals, plants, protists, or fungi, are the most structurally advanced of the major cell types. Eukaryote are single-celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain nucleus and any other structures (organelles) enclosed within the membrane that perform specific functions. The surface of the cell is covered with a thin film or plasma membrane, which is the boundary that separates the living cell from its nonliving surroundings. Plasma membranes are composed mostly of proteins and lipids (Simon, 02/2012, p. 59-60).
In the beginning of the creation of Earth volcanoes erupted all over the planet. During this period there was a time where a brief cooling period was allowed to take place. When this period took place evaporation caused a downpour of rain which flooded the ocean creating the ocean. At the time that ocean was averaged at 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Around this same time an asteroid so powerful hit the Earth knocking off a large chunk of it. This chunk became the moon which at the time was twice as close as it is today. The hitting of the planet Earth cause such a shake that many new undersea volcanoes began spewing forth molten rock and gasses. These gasses and other particles formed on the oceans surface and with the moon being so close were smashed together by strong and violent waves.
This organelle is the site of photosynthesis in plants and other organisms. In the structure, the chloroplasts has a double membrane, the outer membrane has a continuous boundary. This organelle can be found in a vast group of organelles called the plastid, chloroplasts are usually found in many plant cells but never in animal cells. Chloroplasts organelles are large; they are 4-10um long and 2-3um wide. They are very important to plants because chloroplasts are what plants use to create food from sunlight. Chloroplasts are not found in humans.
Ethics is most commonly thought of as rules for determining what is considered right and wrong. Most people are never formally taught the difference between the two, for it is something learned though experience, usually reinforced by parents and other adults throughout one’s childhood. It provides guidelines for responsible behavior, clearly identifying the acceptable from the unacceptable. However, how ethics is defined changes our values as a society evolve. Consequently, what is ethical is greatly determined by one’s perspective. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, an account of an African-American woman from Virginia, whose cancer cells were collected for research during her treatment for the cervical cancer that eventually took her
The organelle responsible for energy production in the cell is the mitochondria. Eukaryotic cells contain or have mitochondria. For the body to function all humans have mitochondria which makes living possible.
Every cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic all contain basic cell parts. They are: a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, DNA (the genetic material), and ribosomes. Prokaryotic cells have a simple structure and they are usually smaller than eukaryotic cells. Also, most prokaryotic cells contain a cell wall. In addition to having the basic cell parts, eukaryotic cells also contain a membrane-bounded nucleus and cell organelles.
In today’s society, the high salaries of professional athletes’ are on the front page of every mass media stream from USA TODAY to Facebook. Year after year their salaries continue to rise to astronomical numbers with no end in sight. The average American will never see in that kind of money in their lifetime and with the recent economic recession, they are not too excited about the salaries of athletes. There is a perception towards athletes that they are greedy people whose only concern is for the fastest cars, designer clothing, and liberal spending but this is not true for all athletes. There is a phrase in sports, “In college, they play for the name on the front but at the pro-level, they play for the name on the back.”
Plasma membrane is made up of two layers of phospholipids which are a class of lipids and has many proteins embedded in it. The proteins have a function of providing support and shape to a cell. There are three different proteins in cell membranes (see appendix 1). The plasma membrane also regulates the entry and exit of the cell, as many molecules cross the cell membrane by osmosis and Prokaryotes include several kinds of microorganisms, such as bacteria and cyanobacteria. Eukaryotes include microorganisms as fungi, protozoa, and simple algae.