Ethical Issues In The Living Wage

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The Living Wage The general ethical issue and why it is important to me personally There is an idea out there that an employer should be responsible for making sure that their employees are making a living wage. The reason that this is a burning issue for me is because a living wage is subjective. What is a living wage for me may not be what another person considers a living wage. I will look into some of the fallacies of the argument that employers are responsible and explain where I think they are wrong. In the aspect of my life I had to make the decision to come back to school and lose out on the second household income for my family of 3. During the process of making this decision things had to be sacrificed, no more vacations, no more going out to nice expensive restaurants, taking road trips across state lines without lots of planning. Those type of things were included in my “living wage” when my family had 2 incomes. The underlying ethical question or questions involved that I intend to answer Some of the questions I hope to answer are; why is it the employers’ …show more content…

However the effects of it could have impacts on others, for instance a waitress could become a tip only type job. There would also be many changes to laws, for example a minimum wage would not be necessary because most positions would be filled with skilled workers who are able to barter for their wages. Organizations would have to evaluate how they pay their employees and decide if they want skilled workers or unskilled and then how much they would be willing to pay for those employees. The rate of pay could potentially keep employees from accepting positions, so that would be a factor as well. I think that despite there not being a minimum wage or a living wage requirement an employer or employee would be able to work out a satisfactory wage that they can both benefit from and in the end both being happy about

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