Ethical Impact Of Abortion

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Abortion is the act of removing an embryo or fetus from the uterus when it is not yet able to exist by itself. Abortion that occurs spontaneously is known as a miscarriage and that which is caused purposely is called an induced abortion. The word though is used often to refer to the induced abortion. For abortions in the modern world, either medication or surgery is used. About 44 million abortions happen in the world each year with almost half of them done unsafely. In the ancient times, abortion was done using herbal medicine, using force, using sharp tools and through other traditional ways. The issue has brought about very many ethical concerns due to the fact that many have different views concerning it. This ranges from the abortion …show more content…

However, the ethical side is more practical thus according to me abortion is ethical however; there is an impact of abortion despite it being ethical. Abortion has effects despite the fact that it is said to bring satisfaction and happiness the majority. One, it may lead to affecting the mental health of the mother. This does not apply for the induced abortions but for others due to fetal abnormalities, it may lead to mental complications of the mother. Secondly, some people opt to carry out unsafe abortions especially when legal abortion is restricted. Some decide to self-abort or even rely on somebody without any training and without the proper facilities. This leads to severe complications like sepsis, incomplete abortions, hemorrhage or even damage to internal organs of the mother in very severe cases it leads to death. Unsafe abortions have lead to death and injury for many women worldwide (Martinelli-Fernandez, Baker-Sperry & McIlvaine-Newsad, …show more content…

Moreover, there is the societal motivation where some abortions are due to societal pressures for example a certain race preferring children of a certain sex leading to those with a child of the opposite sex aborting. As seen above another reason would be due to health issue of the mother or even the fetus in many cases the mothers’ life is favored to that of the fetus thus the fetus may be aborted to save the mothers’ life. Lastly cancer may be a drive to abortion to prevent death of the mother or potential complications of the fetus as the mother undergoes treatment. The above motivations are mainly for the best effect and sometimes happen due to unavoidable circumstances thus very ethical (Geirsson & Holmgren,

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