Ethical Ethics In Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns

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Is Batman ethical or unethical? That depends on what book, movie, or cartoon that you watch; Batman is a character that is depicted in many different ways depending on the author. Frank Miller’s, The Dark Knight Returns is a darker view of Batman. Batman makes some different ethical decisions in this comic book that an avid Batman reader would be surprised by. Miller shows a new side of Batman and opens reader’s eyes to unethically handled situations by Batman. However, over all Batman is ethical in his actions and intentions. Batman is a vigilante however he protects Gotham City and when Batman is hiding Gotham is over run with criminals and the city doesn’t feel safe without the protection that Batman gives them. Batman follows the ideas …show more content…

(Miller, 1986, p. 34). A conflict Batman Faced with the Utilitarian approach was that he wasn’t always a follower of reducing suffering. When Batman was faced with the option of minimal suffering on a criminal over more suffering and pain, he chose the pain. Batman enjoys inflicting pain on others a because of his built up anger of his parent’s death. He has a lot of built up anger and doesn’t always completely follow the utilitarian approach. Although he did catch the criminal which maximized happiness he inflicted pain instead of reducing suffering (Miller, 1986, p. 39). Batman shows no mercy to criminals including the Joker, the Joker returned from being a catatonic prisoner at an asylum to being a criminal when Batman returned, and when Batman had the opportunity to kill him he instead chose the option of breaking his neck to paralyze him. Although this did reduce suffering because he didn’t kill him he did paralyze him which wasn’t he more reducing suffering approach. However, this did ensure happiness of Gotham because he removed the Joker from the streets which provided a lot of safety to the city (Miller, 1986, p.150). Overall Batman protects the citizens and maximizes …show more content…

Although Miller’s Depiction of Batman in The Dark Knight Returns was very extreme and surprising to many he still perceives Batman to his audience as Ethical. Overall Batman is helping the the innocent citizens in Gotham City by protecting them and lowering the crime rates that arose while he was gone. He is helping many people by removing the criminals from the streets even if some of his ways of doing so may be seen as vicious. He is able to get the job done that the police officers are unable to get control of and he is able to remove many criminals from the streets of Gotham. Batman is ethical and he is very important to Gotham, without his return Gotham would be overrun with criminals that could eventually take over. Although he does not kill he is able to take back control of Gotham like he never left. Batman is a hero who has the the entire city on his mind while fighting crime and doing the thing he does best, protect

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