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Ethical principles in health care ethical dilemmas
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The healthcare professionals in the hospital acted without the patient’s approval and coerced the family into allowing the resuscitation. Since the doctor and the nurses did not follow the patient’s wishes, they ignored the ethical principal of autonomy. Perry (2016) states that autonomy is the individual’s “right to determine their own actions and the freedom to make their own decisions” (p. 134). The nurses did not respect the patient’s right to refuse treatment. Instead, they practiced paternalism, restricting the authority of others in the idea of supposed benefit. It is questionable as to why the professionals believed that the patient will be grateful. In addition, they did not practice knowledge and self-thought. Instead of blindly following The nurses and doctor practiced negligence by acting in commission. They performed a procedure that they should not have done. Thus, they could be legally prosecuted for going against a patient’s desires. Furthermore, the healthcare professionals did not receive informed consent from the patient. The patient must be voluntarily given the treatment and have enough information and be in the capacity to understand. If they meet those standards, the wishes of the patient must be respected. However, the doctor and nurses acted in consideration to their moral code. Hence, legal actions can be taken against the nurses. In addition to their legal violations, they also faltered in positive behavior and communication. The heated disagreement between the two doctors not only created tension for the nurses, but also for the family. The family could sense the hysteria and confusion in the room, not creating a safe grieving space. Also, none of the nurses made an attempt to speak with the family, console them, or explain the situation. Rather, they escorted the family out of the room without listening to their worries. This would have frightened the child and created unnecessary confusion and anxiety. “The concept of offering presence is an integral part of bearing witness.” (Campell & Davis, 2011 p. 7). They should have stayed with the family and listened to them, but they left them to fear alone, not
Autonomy is a concept found in moral, political, and bioethical reasoning. Inside these connections, it is the limit of a sound individual to make an educated, unpressured decision. Patient autonomy can conflict with clinician autonomy and, in such a clash of values, it is not obvious which should prevail. (Lantos, Matlock & Wendler, 2011). In order to gain informed consent, a patient
Nurses are required to protect and support their patients if they are to be an efficient patient advocate. Ethically questionable situations are quite common for nurses that conflict with their professionals and personal morals. At times, the patient necessitates the nurse to speak out for them demonstrating
There were no other people besides the family that knew about what was going on, so there was no opportunity for anyone to step in and help. The family kept the secrets of what was going on and it seemed as though they suffered from Family Systems Theory where “it is the family's reaction to an event, or their ability to cope in an emotionally stable manner (Opipari, 2010, pp. 125) that determines how they function. There was no balance, there was no speaking on their emotions, so this limited any option for intervention coming from the or outside their family.
I agree with you that the nurses violated provision 9 of the nursing code of ethics. Nurses have an obligation to themselves, their whole team and to the patients to express their values. Communication is key in a hospital, so everyone knows what is correct and what isn’t within the workplace. In order to have a productive, ethical, positive environment. These values that should be promoted affect everyone in the hospital, especially the patients, and can have a negative outcome if those values are not lived out. Nurses have to frequently communicate and reaffirm the values they are supposed follow frequently so when a difficult situation comes along that may challenge their beliefs they will remain strong and their values will not falter.
Healthcare creates unique dilemmas that must consider the common good of every patient. Medical professionals, on a frequent basis, face situations that require complicated, and at times, difficult decision-making. The medical matters they decide on are often sensitive and critical in regards to patient needs and care. In the Case of Marguerite M and the Angiogram, the medical team in both cases were faced with the critical question of which patient gets the necessary medical care when resources are limited. In like manner, when one patient receives the appropriate care at the expense of another, medical professionals face the possibility of liability and litigation. These medical circumstances place a burden on the healthcare professionals to think and act in the best interest of the patient while still considering the ethical and legal issues they may confront as a result of their choices and actions. Medical ethics and law are always evolving as rapid advances in all areas of healthcare take place.
The ethical principle of nonmaleficence demands to first do no harm and in this case protect the patient from harm since she cannot protect. Nurses must be aware in situations such as this, that they are expected to advocate for patients in a right and reasonable way. The dilemma with nonmaleficence is that Mrs. Boswell has no chance of recovery because of her increasing debilitating mental incapability and the obvious harm that outweighs the intended benefits. If the decision were to continue treatment, suffering of the patient and family would be evident. Autonomy is the right to making own decisions and freedom to choose a plan of action. When making decisions regarding treatment of another person, it is important to respect the expressed wishes of the individual. John says that his mother would want to live as long as she could, but questions arise related to her quality of life and perception of prolonged suffering by prolonging the dying process. In BOOK states that quality of life changes throughout one’s life ...
Karen is a post visit register nurse (PVRN) at Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center (CCMC). She has been an employee at CCMC for nine years but has only had this position for about four years. PVRN’s are responsible for following up on any positive culture results to make sure the patient is on an appropriate treatment plan. If they are not receiving the correct treatment, the PVRN must contact the doctor to get orders for the necessary medications and educate the family of the updated treatment plan. PVRNs also make follow up calls to patients who have been seen in the Emergency Department (ED) within the last 24 hours. During these calls, they make sure the discharge plan has been implemented and any follow up care is arranged.
Ethical principals are extremely important to understand in the healthcare field. Ethical responsibilities in any situation depend on the role of the healthcare worker and the nature of the decision being made. Healthcare administrators and professionals must make ethical decisions that can be an everyday or controversial situation. When making such decisions, it is imperative to consider the four major principles of ethics: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and distributive. By using these four principles, ethical decisions can effectively be made. For the purpose of this paper, examined will be the example of the treatment of an uninsured homeless patient. Poor health care be a cause and a result of homelessness.
...endent judgments about their own fate. In keeping with this trend there is now a growing drive to review the current laws on euthanasia and assisted suicide.” (McCormack, 1998) Nurses are faced with various ethical dilemmas every day. If theses ethical decisions are not treated in a professional manner there can be harsh consequences for both the patient and the nurse.
In this essay the author will rationalize the relevance of professional, ethical and legal regulations in the practice of nursing. The author will discuss and analyze the chosen scenario and critically review the action taken in the expense of the patient and the care workers. In addition, the author will also evaluates the strength and limitations of the scenario in a broader issue with reasonable judgement supported by theories and principles of ethical and legal standards.
Charlotte’s parents thought otherwise, the Ethics Advisory Committee had to get involved. The debate surrounded if the doctors were in the right to control the life of someone who were incapable of deciding themselves, or is it the parents right. The Ethics Advisory Committee, stated that the parents were superior to those of the hospital and the hospital should conduct with less painful test. Charlotte’s parents wanted the doctors to continue testing until it was determined that her life diffidently had no chance of remaining. Because, of Charlotte’s parents’ desires unfortunately caused Charlotte to die a painful death without her parents. If the patient is unable to speak for their selves, the family should be able to have some say in the medical treatment, however; if the doctors have tried everything they could do, the hospital should have final decisions whether or not the patient dies or treatment
The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses has five elements that pertain to the Principle of Autonomy. Each individual element applies to “respect individual persons” (Baillie, McGeehan, Garrett T, M., Garrett R. M., 2013, p.33). In Chapter 2 of the Health Care ethics: Principles and problems text, it discusses thouroghly the consent of an individual to make their own decisions regarding their health and future requests of care. As a nurse or within all heath care professions, we must treat each individual patient with care, respect, and to remain mindful to the patient regarding any aspect of their lives. In the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses, it explains ways of maintaining the empathy required in the health field. It further discusses that the respect for human dignity must be a priority, relationships to patients must remain neutral, the severity of the situation, the right to self-rule, and the professionalism that must be upheld by the nurse and their associates.
Neonatal resuscitation is intervention after a baby is born to strengthen it’s breathe or to boost its heartbeat. Approximately 10% of neonates require some assistance to begin breathing at birth, but only 1% require serious resuscitative measures. Informed consent regarding neonatal resuscitation is a constant ethical debate. This discourse ordinarily occurs between doctors and parents; parents often feel that the decision has been made for them, believing that they were not fully informed of any consequences that may occur before making their final action plan, or thinking that their opinion was not taken seriously; however, doctors see the procedure in a different light, that the parents can’t choose the best option for the child regardless of counseling, or performing as the parents wished but believing that the result could have differed if the parents had known all the effects that it will have further down the line, or convinced that they would have made a better
Several ethical principles that are incorporated in the nursing care of patients on a daily basis are nonmalificence, autonomy, beneficence, justice, fidelity and paternalism. Nurses should strive to comply to as many of the principles as possible. In this case there are principles which support and conflict with the wishes of the patient. The first principle that supports the wish of the patient is autonomy. Autonomy means that competent patients have the right to make decisions for themselves and the delivery of the healthcare that they receive. Another factor that would support the patient’s wish to not be resuscitated is nonmalificence. Non maleficence means that nurses should not cause harm or injury to their patients. In this case the likelihood of injury after resuscitation was greater than if the patient were allowed to expire. A principle that could have negatively affected the outcome of the provision of ethical care was paternalism. Paternalism is when a healthcare provider feels that they know what is best for a patient, regardless of the patient’s desire for their own care. I demonstrated the principle of paternalism because I thought that I knew what was best for the patient without first consulting with the patient or family. This situation might have had some very negative consequences had the patient not have been competent. Practicing a paternalistic mindset might have caused a practitioner in the same instance to force their ideas about not resuscitating the loved one onto the family. This could have caused a sense of remorse and loss of control of care amongst the
The basic rights of human beings, such as concern for personal dignity, are always of great importance. During illness, however, these rights are extremely vital and must be protected. Therefore, healthcare providers should make an effort to assure that these rights are preserved for their patients. Likewise, health care providers have the right to expect reasonable and responsible behavior on the part of our patients, their relatives, and friends. This is where the patient’s bill of rights comes into play.