Essential Christian Approach To Sexuality Essay

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It’s a pleasure writing to you. As an adolescent, I wanted to address a few concerns I had about the essential Christian approach to sexuality. I have learned many ways that we should approach ourselves to sexuality, but how do you expect adolescents to practice these elements? They seem more for adults rather than teenagers. Couples don’t want to increase the size of their family because working and housing conditions pose a living situation. There are also greater demands in the education and economic fields, which couples have difficulty with (Vatican II 51). In order to express true love as a Christian, Pope Paul says, “Conjugal chastity needs to be practiced” (Vatican II 51). Self-giving and human procreation are in the context of true love. This can present …show more content…

Pope Paul says, “The Church teaches married people that they can take advantage of the natural cycles immanent in the reproductive system and engage in marital intercourse during times that are infertile. When this period occurs, they can use their married intimacy to express their mutual love” (Pope Paul 16). My concern with this element is how do you feel teenagers should go about this? They are young adults trying to identify who they are as a person first. Sex is out of the question for these adolescents as the Church wants them to wait for marriage. Salzmann and Lawler explain “the husband is the head of the wife in the way that the Messiah is the head of the church” (Salzman and Lawler 24). A Christian husband is instructed to be head by giving himself up to her. Salzman and Lawler explain love as “essential to the marriage and how it reveals a mystery about Christ and the Church” (Salzman and Lawler 24). A challenge with this element is that teenagers are too embarrassed to be that person to give up his life for another person. Teenagers can’t commit to other people yet because they are still trying to identify who they are as a person

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