Essay On Why Death Is Bad By Thomas Nagel

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Thomas Nagel’s paper Death would be better if renamed “Why Death is Bad” because that is the issue he is dealing with throughout it. He is not raising a general view on what death is but rather to establish a specific point about death; that it is bad. He raises the question on how we should regard death and whether “it is a bad thing to die.” Nagel is building a case for saying that death is bad, that death is an evil and that when someone dies something bad happens to them. What Nagel is trying to establish is the reputation of Epicurus who said that death is neither good nor bad because since death is not something we experience, and death is the taking away of all experience; the ability to experience, it is nothing to us, neither good nor bad. What Nagel wants to establish it that Epicurus didn’t have it right. Nagel wants to restore our common sense or natural view that death is an evil.
Nagel starts off by saying that death is an evil because “of what it deprives us of.” He takes it as that life is a good, simply for the fact that one is in a state of being alive. Life is good because of its positive features which are the things that are actually part of being alive. But death is bad because of its negative features such as “it brings to end all the goods that life contains.” This view that death brings an end to all the goods that life contains can been taken one of two ways. The first way is that you can agree with Nagel and say that when one dies all good things cease to exist for that individual. I say “for that individual” because good things continue to happen even after that person has died, but for them, all good things have ended. The second way one can view this is that because of the very fact that being de...

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... it’s just as possible that there’s a possibility that there is an afterlife as there is that there isn’t. He does not consider this problem. This is a very big point one should consider because for a lot of people, the possibility of an afterlife is what makes death a little less scary and shows that it can be a good thing. If there is an afterlife, this means that we never really die. We die in the physical sense that our bodies are no longer functioning, but in a way our consciousness still exists. We are “alive” even though we are dead. Suppose that the concept of immortality is the concept of living sometime, but never dying. Consider a living thing that goes into eternal suspended animation. It never dies, but this sort of immortality is hardly better than death. It is just like living forever, therefore it does not matter on the desirability of eternal life.

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