Essay On Wheat Market

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This report is on wheat market showing the impacts of various microeconomics indicators on consumers, business and economy in India. India is the country where nearly 65% of population depends on agriculture for their nourishment. Wheat is one of the dominant nutritious cereal crop cultivated over there. After the Independence of India in 1947 the production and yield at that time was very low, only 6.46 million tons, which was really not sufficient for the people. At that time India used to import large number of wheat from USA. In 1961 the scientists put forward five varieties of wheat, Lerma Rojo 64-A, Sonora 63, Sonora 64, Mayo 64 and S 227. After that there were further researches and development being made in wheat production and now, at present, India ranks second in the world for the production and consumption of wheat. The main wheat producing states are Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. After the independence in 1947, the yield was only 6.46 million tons and it keep on increasing during the upcoming years. There has been a continuous increase in the production of wheat during the past few year as can be seen in (chart 1). The overall thirty five percent of production is in Uttar Pradesh which ranked number one while the production in other states is also competitive. The price of wheat is fixed of every year for which it is purchased from the farmer (chart 2). Some of the wheat types are C-306, UP-262, HD-2009, WL-711, HP-1102, HUW-206, HUW-234, HD- 2189, HD-2204, HD-2285, VL-616, VL-421, HS--42, WH-147, WH-157, WH- 542, HD- 2329, UP-2003, UP-2338, LOK-1, RAJ-1555, RAJ- 3765, RAJ- 3077, UP- 2425, PBW-154, PBW- 343, PBW- 443, PBW- 373, HI- 8381, HI-8498, HD-2687, KRL-19, HUW- 468, GW-273, etc.
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...ndia. And if this production kept on increases it will create a problem also, as the increased yield will make a downfall in the global cost due to which there will be a negative impact making the exports difficult to exercise. The changes in price and yield of wheat due which, India can export wheat to other countries and can gain profit, which is very beneficial for having a strong economy in the country. But it is advisable that Indian government should take care of the high yield of wheat by storing it at a secure place or it can either be exported to other countries for earning incomes and profits. Furthermore, according to the future estimates, India is promising to go through a surplus phase but some deficit in the year 2025 is difficult to prevail. The percentage for surplus in the year 2015 and 2025 will be as follows 5.0 to 20.4 and 28.3 in million tons.

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