Essay On Weathering And Erosion

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As internal processes, mountain building and volcanic activity, elevate Earth’s surfaces, external processes, weathering and erosion, breakdown and move Earth’s surfaces down slope. It’s a continuous rock cycle, and water movement contributes greatly to Earth’s external weathering and erosion processes, sculpting earth’s surfaces throughout the course. As water evaporates from the ocean and precipitates over the mountains, river systems are established; and in their many shapes and forms, move eroded rock material from the surface towards the ocean, further disintegrating material along the way. River systems move Earth’s surface materials, while shaping its landscapes.

Weathering and erosion are part of Earth’s rock cycle. Earth’s internal pressures force material up towards the surface, and once rock material is exposed, it is subject to Earth’s external forces powered by the sun and gravity. The external processes of weathering and erosion moves material downslope, where it is again subject to Earth’s internal forces; it is a continuous rock cycle. Weathering is the mechanical, chemical, or organic …show more content…

The Mississippi River discharges an average of 611,000 cubic feet of water per second, facilitating the transportation of approximately half a billion tons of sediment to the Gulf of Mexico (Lutgens, Tarbuck, & Tasa, 2014, p.88-89). By the time sediment reaches the lower Mississippi River, its deep smooth meandering channel is transporting mostly silt and clay, while eroding the outside banks of its curves, as it deposits material on the insides of its bends. Furthermore, this type of eroding and depositing activity causes formation of oxbow lakes, where the corners of meandering curves that are closest to each other erode away creating new channels (National Geographic, 2015, para.3-4). The Mississippi River shapes Earth’s landscapes

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