Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

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Immagrants: Should They Be Deported Or Given A Chance? It never really hit me that my parents could be labeled as “illegal aliens.” Like any other undocumented immigrants, they came to America to have a better life and to be successful in achieving what we U.S. citizens call the “American Dream.” Both my parents are from Jamaica. My dad came here when he was nine years old and my mom when she was 5 years old. They were both young and barely knew much of the situation that was taking place before them. Immigrants, like my parents, should be allowed to come to this country--and stay in this country. Undocumented workers should receive the same benefits as documented ones, because they work just as hard if not harder than any other documented worker. Undocumented immigrants work really hard, which helps our country build a stronger workforce. Undocumented immigrants are …show more content…

In the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson proclaimed that “all men are created equal.” Thomas Jefferson, as a Founding Father, was one of the main sources of our freedom, so who are we to go against what he said when he decided that everyone was created equal? Even Thomas Jefferson himself is an immigrant. Even Thomas Jefferson himself is an immigrant. If we label them as immigrants why don’t we label ourselves as immigrants? The DREAM Act was created to protect undocumented immigrant children in the U.S. If we’re going to protect them, why aren’t we going to protect their parents? What would they do without their parents in this country anyway? “Seventy-two percent of Americans say that undocumented immigrants should be allowed to remain legally in the country” (Pianin 2015). America is a democracy, so the government has to do what the people want it to do. If the people want undocumented immigrants to stay, they should

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