Essay On Trail Of Tears

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Trail of Tears Interdisciplinary Unit
Mary J. Williams
Phoenix, AZ 

Abstract The Indian Removal Act was drafted by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, which authorized President Jackson to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi River in exchange for Indian lands. Just a few tribes went peacefully, however many resisted the taking of their lands. During the harshest winter of 1838, the Cherokees were forcibly moved west by the United States government. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears,” and is the basis of my unit. A tragic blot in our history of our country was a journey of exchanges between the Cherokee Nation and European Settlers, the U.S. Government and it’s court system of the day.

Trail of Tears Lesson Plans
Class: Health Team Relations
Theme: Encounter and exchange between the Cherokee Nation and European-American Settlers, the U.S. government, and the U.S. courts.
B History and Trends of Health Care
HT02.01 Discuss medical treatments and
Introduction/Review: Distribute copies of President Jackson’s “Message to Congress” used in Day 2. As a quick review, ask each student to pick out a word or phrase that “stands out” in President Jackson’s speech that helps them to understand Jackson’s position on Indian Removal. Go around the classroom and ask each student to read the word or phrase. Students should listen carefully to each other to hear the “message” of the speech. Look at the class chart from the previous day. Ask students if they want to add or subtract anything. Ask the class to brainstorm about possible implications of Jackson’s speech for the United States, European-American settlers, and Native Americans. Put the brainstorming list on poster paper and save for the end of the

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