Essay On Traditional Gender Roles

596 Words2 Pages

Boys like blue and girls like pink. Men should not cry and women are sentimental. The primary responsibility of female is to stay at home and take care of the children while the primary responsibility of male is to work and to support the family. Those are stereotypes cause by traditional gender role. People should stop teaching children the traditional gender role because it leads to discrimination, limits personal development, and starts a vicious cycle in adulthood.
The first reason why people should stop teaching children the traditional gender role is it leads to discrimination. School violence has always been a serious problem in society. It is not news to people that a student commits suicide because of discrimination and bullying at school. One of the main reasons that children and teenagers get bullied at school is they do not act as traditional gender role. Joan Simalchik, a professor of gender studies at the University of Toronto, provided an example that one of her students witnessed a negative action toward a boy at grade seven because pink is that boy’s favourite colour...

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