Essay On The Jewish Revolt

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The Jewish revolt was an event that happened around 60 BC, and it was very influential. Now when these events might not have been very pretty, but also could have some positive effects. So what is the Jewish Revolt really about, and what caused it? Last of all, after this revolt, how did this affect the world? How do we still know about this history today, and how is it important?
It all started when the Romans took over where the Jews were supposed to be in charge. We know from history that the Romans had been doing this for ages, and you can't really blame the Jews for being angry about this. It seems, when people get power, or land, they start to think they own everything and can control it all. This is what the Jews didn’t like so much. Not only because they were forced to do what the Romans wanted, but also because the ‘new rule’ affected the Jewish religious culture. The Romans restricted the Jews way of worshiping, and disrespected the temple like it meant nothing to them, because that is probably true. As stated above, there were so many disagreements and leadership battles. This caused a great hardship between the …show more content…

Now this wasn't just the news complaining about not being able to follow their religion. The Romans pillaged the second Jewish temple, and killed around 6,000 Jews in Jerusalem. This would anger any group if any of these acts happened, let alone all of them. This caused a full rebellion of the Jews against the Romans. Obviously because it was called the first Jewish-Roman war, that proves that it wouldn't be the last war to pop up in history between these groups. Many more would follow, all ending in the same outcome. Though the Jews put up a good fight, the Romans somehow ended up on top most of the time. Yes the Jews managed to hold their ground once in awhile, though the roman army was so powerful that most of the time, they still would

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