Essay On The Differences Between The Crucible Play And Movie

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Between “The Crucible” play and move there are many changes. Some are minor changes and others have effects on the scene as a whole. The movies will change the whole placement of some scenes and even change lines and actions. They are trying to make the movie easier to understand, more entertaining and attempting to pull you more into the story. At the end of the movie and play, which would be act four, there are many changes which affect the scene as a whole it restructures the whole thing, it creates different conflicts, and it changes how you feel at the end of the scene and during it. I thought the changes in the movie made it a lot better than the play honestly, it pulled me in more and got my attention. In the play at the beginning of act four it is Tituba going crazy saying “No, he comin’ …show more content…

try to do is pull you into what they're writing, get your emotions to react to what's happening. Both the book and the play did this but in different ways. The play mixed with your emotions a bunch between John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth trying to convince John to save his own life says “Only be sure of this, for I know it now: Whatever you will do, it is a good man does it.”(pg 883). This is so heartfelt because after the affair John had she should never look at him as a good man. She forgives him though and sees the good in him no matter what, she truly loves him and you can really feel that emotion while reading the play. In the movie your emotions are more pulled in and your attention is most likely all in. At the end of Act 5 it just ends with John being arrested, in the movie they show the hanging of John and the others(Hytner). It may have been the most emotional part cause they actually killed the main character. Also the it build so much suspens with them showing the hundreds of hangings before the hanging of Proctor. The scenes in the movie and the play were both emotional but were also

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