Essay On The Detention Of Refugees And Asylees

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• Explain what is the asylum process
• Introduction
• HR RIGHT look that shit up
We as humans have a right to be free from persecution. It is our obligation, if we can provide it, to protect human lives where possible (Allard 2013). Under Article 14 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 10, 1948, everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. When and why do we detain those who seek out protection? Moreover, why has there been an rise and expansion in the detention of immigrants and asylees (Silverman, Massa 2012).

The detention of immigrants applying for asylum has become commonplace in high-income Western society, and even in low-income societies, some completely funded from higher-income neighboring countries (Kotsioni et al. 2013; Silverman, Massa 2012). Detention facilities are utilized as a deterrent,
• If detention is seen and utilized as a deterrent to counter illegal immigration, why is it that we still see the number of immigrants, refugees, and asylees rising year after year?
• My focus for this paper is the marginalization of immigrants, refugees, and asylees in terms of the utilization of immigration detention centers as a method of deterrence,

The marginality and exclusion experienced by immigrants and refugees is due to

The traditional nation state is what gives society and its’ citizens their sense of cohesiveness. It is then the duty of the nation state to protect its’ citizens and their interests, whilst providing health and social services to its members. The question then becomes, without a state, who is to protect your rights? When fleeing...

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...aised [insert something]
• Through the underground economy
• In order to
• We need complete transparency of goes on inside these facilities.
• Ideally, the dissolution of immigration detention facilities altogether would allow asylees full inclusion into society. This would be a step in the right direction in terms of human rights. . We have learned that detention centers are centers for profit, with some that are publically traded, with the majority in privately owned and operated.
• We lose sight of the actual reason why these immigrants have come here in the first place, in turn
• There needs to be an accountability for human rights violations when violators are actual sovereign states. While human rights are a concern of ethics,

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