Essay On The Da Vinci Code

606 Words2 Pages

Effie Auman
Mrs. Bohs
Honors English
Debunking The Da Vinci Code
Imagine reading a book and soaking in new information only to find out that all the information is wrong. Before the start of The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown writes that, “All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate” (Brown 1). Dan Brown claims that the historical facts presented in The Da Vinci Code are true and accurate; however, while it is tempting to believe that these “facts” are true, it is unlikely that they are because Brown’s historical references are either false or nonexistent.
Dan Brown’s early life may have affected some of the information in the novel. Dan Brown was born on June 22, 1964 in Exeter, New Hampshire. Both of Brown’s parents were interested in the arts which influenced Brown’s interest in the arts as well. Brown’s mother was actually a church organist which indicates that his family was quite religious. Brown was raised as a religious Episcopalian Christian but in his late childhood started to drift a...

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