Essay On Swot Analysis For Macy's

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One of the main strengths for Macy’s is that fact that they have 800 operating stores in the United States this makes them one of the largest chains. Along with Macy’s wonderful brand recognition they have a very diverse merchandise in there stores. Macy’s knows how to treat customers. Their outstanding customer service and modern day style stores puts them above the competition . Macy’s is always updating their stores and inventory. By doing this it has created a high standard and brings customers for trend-setting. Although every company has weaknesses Macy’s does not many. Macy’s competition is overall better when it comes to global brand recognition. Macy’s lacks in the international market. Working on the international market as well as the online market with help Macy’s get even more recognized. Online has really taken over. The current trend is to shop online therefor Macy’s has taken a big hit from this. The company has a very strong market share, but the market has taken a big decrease due to this. …show more content…

If Macy’s focused on international sales, opening new store within and out of the country, and promotional events they would be much better off for the future. If Macy’s were to expand their stores overseas it could create a new trend in other countries and would generate a high revenue. Macy’s has created themselves as such a huge brand name that it would not be has hard to market across the world. The Macy’s day parade is a big event that happens every Thanksgiving. This parade not only brings holiday cheer but it is a huge self-promotion. Promoting the company at different events would be a great opportunity for Macy’s. This could include environmental causes or awareness of dieses such as cancer or diabetes. Showing that Macy’s is invested in the community and events can really create a great

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