Essay On Slavery In Brazil

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Afro-Brazilian Slavery
Colonization of Brazil dates back to the 15th century. Brazil was fertile and was mainly used for plantations. The Europeans relied on cheap labor from slaves, who were forcefully imported into the country. Some of the slaves came from Brazil but more than half were imported from Africa (Morn and Alicea, 2004). The forced migration of African slaves to Brazil is attributed to the expansion of the export sector in Brazil and the growth of Trans-Atlantic butter trade. The Africans were exchanged for other commodities and shipped to Brazil as laborers. The Portuguese merchants made this migration possible by opening up the Atlantic markets and organizing a slave-trading fleet (Klein and Luna, 2010). The slaves were mainly the Western Africans and the Bantus.
Forced migration of African laborers to Brazil was enhanced by the high demand of European products in the African markets and the high demand of laborers in the high demand of European plantations in Brazil. The …show more content…

Most of these used literature such as poems and other forms of literature to depict the evils of slavery. The elites especially in the cities became essential players in civilizing others. In a first step, the intellectuals passed their ideas to university and secondary students who in turn influenced the countrymen more rapidly. The countrymen welcomed positivism warmly. The first positivist ideas were appeared in Brazil in 1850 among the students and graduates of technical and military schools. Positivism was a critical tool for the progress and became the base of philosophy in Brazil. Its socio-economic fruits were witnessed in the 19th century, with Africans getting access to freedom and privileges enjoyed by the

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