Essay On Scout In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Scout is the main character in this book, everything happens from her point of view. But, what happens with her, how does she change and develop? Throughout the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout develops by becoming less aggressive, more independent, and more able to see things from other people's points of view. The first way Scout developed throughout the book was when she became less aggressive. In the beginning, Scout was aggressive when she beats up Walter Cunningham up on the playground on her first day of school. She beats Walter up because he got her in trouble with the teacher. Walter got Scout in trouble because when the teacher asked who had lunch, Walter didn’t raise his hand and when the teacher, Miss Caroline, tried to give …show more content…

To start, Scout isn’t able to see things from other people's points of view when she invites Walter Cunningham over for lunch on her first day of school and he pours molasses syrup all over his lunch. She isn’t able to realize that other people do things differently than she does. When she asks why he is doing this, Calpurnia scolds her for asking and tells her that some people just do things things differently. Since she is developing, she is able to realize that Boo Radley is actually a nice, caring person instead of a crazy, squirrel eating, monster. She realizes this when Miss Maudie’s house catches on fire and someone puts a blanket around her while she is standing outside. She realizes that it was Boo Radley is actually a caring person. This shows she is developing because she can discover things about other people instead of just sticking to her first impression of someone. Finally, Scout shows she can see things from other people’s perspectives when she walks Boo Radley home and stands on his porch and watches the last two years play out from his perspective. She is also showing that she changed when she is sad that she never put anything back in the knothole in the tree to give back to Boo. To finish, she has changed by being able to see things how other people see them. She shows she changes when she doesn’t understand why Walter Cunningham

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