Essay On Reparations For African Americans

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Reparations: The Fight for African American Payback There are many reasons why family members of former slaves should receive reparations for the time their family member spent through the struggle. The legacy of slavery still continues today, the black tax or between African Americans and white, and will promote the independence of African Americans. Many people of African American descent believe that they are owed reparations, but the amount of debt owed is unknown. An apology issued for slavery is not enough, but to issue millions would also not be the right way to solve the issue. Dating back to the Civil War there has been a disagreement between races and politicians on what should be awarded. Issuing reparations for African Americans would possibly cost the United States of America more than ten trillion dollars. Many believe that handing out reparations will promote to African American dependency on the government. Reparation will do the opposite for the black community. Reparations will create a platform for African Americans to “create their own economic base and become self-reliant” (Ten Reasons for Reparations). They will rely on their own powers and resources rather than depending on others. For many years African Americans have depended on others to help further their lives, but this could stop. With their …show more content…

It is a claim against American government and society, which has continued from the time of slavery. As all members of society share in society's benefits, they also must share the burdens in the form of taxation. Through slavery, African Americans were terribly wronged and modern blacks were robbed of their inheritance. Today blacks have lost their roots. Blacks still face racism today. Although there are laws implemented to help against racism, many people break those laws and create groups that are meant to segregate, hurt, and even kill African

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