Essay On Qusay And Uday Hussein

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International media spectacle - Qusay and Uday Hussein

The two sons of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, who as we all know was killed by US forces in a house on the outskirts of Mosul, were also seen as important figures at the time, and was also seen in a negative light, in our perspective.Their cruel acts among people are still remembered till this day.

Uday Hussein was the elder brother, seen as a rapist and murderer, he claimed that he wishes to continue carrying out his fathers cruel acts among the people, having the same hate against America as well as those who poses a threat towards him. He is also seen as a sadist in our point of view, but not really in the perspective of the people who support him. According to the information David Walsh gathered, a writer regarding this international media spectacle, it is said that his brother Qusay, was the chief of Iraq’s notorious security group. He to had the same mind set as his brother. They both walked around with blood in their hands.

As reviewed by an article published on July 24th 2003, According to Uday, they were ordered by their father to be involved in the execution of several government officials, with regards to this information Uday even said that he murdered many officials himself, which adds to his sadist behavior. Their actions regarding mass murders that took place was lead by their hand, and their fathers will, news of the different events regarding this, was wildly spread in the media world. On the 22 of July 2003 U.S. forces killed Qusay and Uday. The special forces group infiltrated their house, with heavy weapons where the two brothers were seen, After four hours of battle,the soldiers entered the house and found four dead bodies, including the ...

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