Essay On Public Media

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Public press had been referred to as the fourth estate since the 17th century. Enclosed with this denotation is the idea that public press is the medium for public disputes and discussions. Notwithstanding the mass media’s inclination for dishonesty, luridness and shallowness, the impression of the media as: channel between rulers and those that were ruled; guardian of public interest; and watchdog remains deeply entrenched. There are several ways in which media had been assertive to their roles in strengthening and excavating democracy. Media’s investigative reporting somehow led to ouster a president and befalls a corruptive government. It causes a democratically elected official become more acquainted with an intrusive press and build a culture of disclosure and openness as they assume their responsibilities more accountably. True liberal democracy will not be possible without the active participation of the people. Media educates, informs, and mobilizes these people in order to be anxiously involved in the business of domination. Media is not just a mere inert recorder of events but a watchdog. It is a keeper of public interest who warns people against those who are causing them harm. It is an effective and fearless watchdog at times when judiciaries, legislatures and other oversight bodies are powerless against the mighty and the corrupt. It plays a valiant role of divulging the overindulgences of legislators, magistrates, presidents, and prime ministers regardless of the risk. The media also serve as a channel between rulers and the ruled and as a field for public debate which leads to a more clever policy and decision-making. Certainly, the enlightenment tradition of the press as public forum remains strong. According... ... middle of paper ... ...about communications, media, and technology from the start. He chose the perceptive phrase "global village" to highlight his reflection that an electronic nervous system which he referred to as the media was speedily integrating the planet where proceedings in one part of the world could be experienced from other parts simultaneously which what human practice was like when we survived in small villages. McLuhan's thoughts have filled the way we in the global village think about media and technology to an extent that we are largely no longer mindful of the revolutionary outcome his concepts had when they were first presented. McLuhan completed the idea of an integrated planetary nervous system a part of our general culture so that when internet finally arrived in the global village it appeared no less amazing, but still in some way in the natural order of things.

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