Essay On Population Growth In China

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This paper will discuss the current situations regarding population growth and the resulting population issues, as well as what policies have been implementing to overcome population issues in China, India, and Japan.
China currently has over 1.3 billion people (1,355,692,576 as of 2014), making China the most populous country in the world. The worlds current population is approximately 7.1 billion, this means that China makes up almost 20% of the world’s population therefore, one in every five people in the world resides in China.
In the 1970s, China experienced an increase in population, which led politicians and population planners to bring about a way to reduce the family size and slow down this increasing population rate. China's fertility rate is 1.7, meaning, each woman gives birth to 1.7 children throughout her life. The necessary total fertility rate for a stable population is 2.1. This attributes to immigration and a decrease in infant mortality and a decrease in death rate as national health improves.
This led China to implement the one-child policy, a policy that has reviled itself as being successful in controversial and statistical terms of this implementation. This policy was strict in ways of forcing abortions, infanticide, and strict penalties. However, rural areas of China heavily populated by ethnic minorities have seen less enforcement of this policy, allowing two and three children allowed per couple. China widely practices the use of contraception in order to reduce the amount of pregnancies and births. Chinas one-child policy states, "One is best, two at most, but never a third."
As population has doubled over the past 50 years, China's agriculture, energy supplies, urban infrastructure, education, a...

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The overall goal to these plans was for the Japanese population to have more children due to the low fertility rate of 1.23 today. The constant decrease in population will cause future economic and social issues for Japan such as allocate a lot more money on pensions, nursing homes and other programs to help the elderly as well as a labor shortage.
Another policy recently implemented is the “Plus One Proposal,” which is directed towards encouraging families to grow by “plus one.” The plan aims to create parent-friendly working conditions, with funds that will allow for the construction of 50,000 new day-care facilities.
However, with many of these policies put into place Japan’s economic status leaves women little to no choice but to work, therefore many of these women are working longer and not getting married and having many children.

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