Essay On Peacekeeping

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On October 24, 1945 the United Nations was established as a means of preserving global peace after the Second World War. Launching with 51 member states the organizations began on a healthy platform with the United States having an active role in its promotion of international co-operation. However, during the cold war the organization began to experience a plethora of new challenges which primarily involved armed conflicts throughout the world. It soon became apparent that to maintain the peace and effectively deal with dangerous conflicts, the member states would be required to go beyond the Security Council. In 1956 the UN implemented the Peace Process Initiative as a means to ambitiously combat the Suez Crisis, thus creating the world’s first peacekeeping force. With this being the first peacekeeping mission ever deployed by the United Nations, it was met with a significant learning curve as many of the soldiers were given dated equipment, and did not have the means to maintain stability due to lack of funds from each of their respective member states. Though there has been a significant evolution of peacekeeping, with many new monitoring functions, the UN has yet to incorporate technologies into its operations thus far. As observers, technology allows for coverage to be made at a safe distance, providing a greater means of information and security for peacekeeping forces and civilian personnel. Technology can also aid in the progression of peacekeeping operations, as monitoring technologies allow for greater observation, while helping to diminish a feeling of intrusiveness. To advance peacekeeping, operations must be provided with the appropriate technological assets in order to effectively maintain peace throughout the world...

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... Monitoring technologies are legitimate tools that complement the peacekeepers role as observers. Conflicting parties should welcome technology as it allows for less human presence, thereby creating a more sustainable peace. These devices can also make the UN’s civilian and military officials safer in the field. Finally, technology could help the United Nations take a more proactive approach moving from a stance of reaction toward a stance of prevention. For such proactive peacekeeping, superior situational awareness is essential. Monitoring technologies are particularly important assets needed for peacekeepers and their duties. The United Nations has a responsibility to make sure that its peacekeepers, civilian and military, from both the developed and developing world, have the equipment needed to ensure safety, effectiveness and maintain the world’s global peace.

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