Essay On Online Identity Theft

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Online identity theft is the fastest growing form of crime in the US, ‘affecting approximately 10 million Americans a year’ (FBI Website, 2004). It is now considered among the most significant cyber crimes faced today. Because it has turned into such a prevalent issue, it is important to know what it is, how it occurs and how individuals and corporate businesses can protect themselves.
Check that these words aren’t over used: Online identity theft, criminals... Maybe include better phishing information...
Online identity theft is defined as any crime by which the offender ‘steals money or gains other benefits by pretending to be someone else’ (Australian Scam watch website, 2014). Online identity theft often involves the fleecing of a person’s personal information, such as their name, age, birth certificate or banking details. Criminals can take advantage of this information in many different ways, ranging from using their victims credit card details to make purchases, all the way up to using their entire identity to open new bank accounts, withdraw ...

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