Essay On Ocd Case Study

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Case Study 2
K is a 45 year old man who has been having intense stress and worry. He also has been having trouble going to sleep and has been having to intrusive thought. He feels like he has no control in his life, he feels worthless and slightly hopeless. All these symptoms, point to a diagnosis of OCD.
DSM-5 terms needs to have OCD For this case to be diagnosed with OCD, there needs to be a presents of reoccurring obsessions and compulsions. Also, these obsession or compulsions need to be greatly affecting person’s life making them distressed. K’s case has a lot of symptoms that would cause him to get diagnosed with OCD according to the DMS-5. (Comer, 127)
An obsession “is a personal thought urge or image that is experienced …show more content…

A person suffering from OCD get some relief when doing these compulsions because they are taking control of something in what seem to be a hopeless situation. The compulsions in k‘s eyes are preventing something awful from happening. Since he’s locking the doors and windows is preventing someone from breaking into his house. By cleaning he’s limiting the chance of him or love one getting sick and possibly dying. This causes him in immense amount of stress, anxiety and could look like a general Anxiety disorder. However, there are some major differences that make OCD the proper …show more content…

The therapist gives K the tools to get rid of the negative thought processes that are constantly having. It’s believed that someone with OCD thought process has an alert or where they try their best to stop the negative feeling by doing in action like washing hands. Also, people with OCD blame their obsessions on themselves making for an even worst thought process. Therapist would educate K on his cognitive process so such thoughts can be overcome eventually making his obsession easier to handle. When K understands what his cognitive errors are he will be able to calm himself down when he feels the need to do one of his compulsions Once the obsessions are under control then the compulsions will stop because there no deeper issue. (Comer,

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