Essay On Nursing Shortage

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One of the challenges of addressing this policy issue is the disagreement of experts regarding whether there is a shortage of physicians despite the evidence indicating that physicians are increasingly dissatisfied with their work life thus opting to quit their practice. Additionally, the professionals’ responsibilities are increasingly overlapping with or complementing those of nurses and physicians. Other challenges include the absence of systems, the resulting lack of integration are apparent across sectors, or poorly designed systems, as well as within individual health care organizations. There is also the challenge of lack of transformation in the health care delivery as witnessed in nearly every other aspect of society. Additionally, the poor design of systems and processes, the …show more content…

Subsidized training will increase the number of registered nurses. In addition, experts point to a need for changes in registered nurse training to better prepare the existing workforce to respond to changes in health care delivery. As options to strengthen nursing care, experts suggest training in information systems and technology gerontology, variations in care delivery, clinical management, and as well as opportunities for further training for registered nurses at all stages in their careers. Another intervention for nursing shortage would be to dedicate resources to increasing the wages of the registered nurses in the country. This approach could be affective in raising the recruitment and retention of registered nurses already in the labor force. As such, increasing the number of individuals who train as registered nurses could increase the supply of such professionals in the healthcare system and hence an additional benefit of improving delivery of culturally sensitive care, especially if the government is to embrace minority groups in

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