Essay On Nuremberg Laws

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The Nuremberg Laws originated at a rally held by the NAZI Party in Nuremberg on September 15, 1935. The laws, which were divided into seven sections, were designed by Adolf Hitler himself (Britannica). The majority of the laws took effect in 1935, but every law was active by 1938 (USHMM). The purpose of the Nuremberg Laws was to take away the rights of the Jewish people living in NAZI Germany and to further promote the cause of the party, which was to blame Germany’s troubles on the Jews (Owlnet). Along with this, the Nuremberg Laws also were a source of propaganda for the regime.
The laws enacted on the 15th of September contained numerous policies. First, the Jewish people were stripped of their citizenship in Germany and were not allowed to display anything that had the German flag or German colors on it (Owlnet). Second, the laws prohibited the Jews from marrying or having a romantic relationship with other German citizens (Owlnet). Also, the laws made sure that there were no …show more content…

First, the laws instilled a common goal for the country, which in turn united the country in some aspects. Secondly, the laws protected the honor of Germany by eliminating the citizenship of the Jews (Jewish Virtual Library). By doing so, the NAZIs were one step closer to having only the Aryan race (Hitler’s perfect race) within Germany’s borders. The last value of the laws are that they were a source of propaganda for the NAZIs and promoted their feelings, goals, and also instilled fear in the German people. However, there are also limitations to the Nuremberg Laws. The main limitation is that the definition of a “Jew” was very broad and caused anybody with a Jewish heritage to be persecuted against (USHMM). Also, even though the laws were a source of propaganda, the fact that they continued to be revised (to cover more people) over the years took away from the true impact that they could’ve had just one race

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