Essay On My Responsibility To America

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Once Eleanor Roosevelt said “. . . With freedom comes responsibility. . .” We as a country are not united by religion or culture but by freedom. It is our duty as Americans to give back to ones who allow us to express our diversity. My responsibility to America is to pay my taxes, stay informed with issue affecting my country, and to respect my fellow citizens and their rights. As an American citizen I am responsible to pay taxes. Some of the taxes I pay include income tax, sale tax, and property tax. By providing the government with tax money, the government has a responsibility to its citizens. The tax money is used to support our government. Without taxes our government would not be standing, nor would it be one of the strongest governments in the world. Some ways our tax money is used by the government is to support our military, transportation departments, sanitation departments, the education and welfare systems. Our military protects our freedoms from other nations. The transportation departments provides safe roads and bridges for us to travel on. The sanitation department provides a place for us to dispose of waste. The education system supports our schools and the welfare systems supports people in many ways. …show more content…

Another way to stay informed about issues affecting my country is to pay attention to current events by watching or reading the news. The news provides information to help me make a decision that I feel is best for our country when I am old enough to vote. It is import to stay informed about the way our legislators run the country because we the people have a voice about the rights given to us in the Constitution. The freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, and the right to bare arms are just a few of the rights Americans have. Some politicians want to constrict the rights given to us by our founding

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