Essay On Musculoskeletal Pain

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Musculoskeletal pain generally arises due to an injury, infection or overuse/exertion. This is generally marked by muscle tenderness, weakness, limited range, stiffness and decreased nerve conduction velocity.²Here, we wanted to analyse the musculoskeletal pain among school and university female teachers. They have various works ranging from giving lectures, checking assignments to tedious computer work. These all are the reasons for the increase neck, shoulder and back pain. Teachers in colleges have to give long hours of lectures in standing whereas teachers in high school have more stress and work load as they have to cover large syllabuses including competitive exams. Awoman has to manage the whole house taking care of elderly as well as her children. And being a teacher definitely increases the wholesome workload. Whereas men on the other hand, are not at all active in the household chores, which thereby proves the difference in the workload among the two genders.Also women, undergoes various hormonal changes in the body and many a times musculoskeletal pain is one the symptoms.
NEED OF THE STUDY - we will come to an estimation of the proportion of female teachers with chronic pain who appear to be seriously handicapped by their pain on one moment and the extent to which the pain can lead to disability.

To study and compare the musculoskeletal pain among school and university female teachers and to correlate the intensity of pain and disability.

A cross- sectional study was done to assess musculoskeletal pain disorders among 35 school and 35 university female teachers in the age group of 25- 45 years in Delhi and NCR region.
Female teachers with chronic musculoskeletal pain, BMI normal, pa...

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...ers have to deal with more examinations and are under higher pressure to promote students as well as they need to take care of the competitive exams as well. So they experience more psychological stress and a higher work load. In the present study, teachers who worked in senior middle schools also had the highest work load in comparison to those who worked in other levels of schools including primary, kindergarten and special schools. Emotional exhaustion correlates with the high numbers of weekly lessons and increased work load.⁹

The study concluded that there is a negative correlation between the intensity of pain and disability at work among school and university female teachers and their ia high prevalence of disability among the high school teachers due to the musculoskeletal pain as compared to the middle school and the university female teachers.

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