Essay On Meteor Showers

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Legend has it that to wish upon a shooting star will grant a person their wish. Despite the myths and the misleading name, shooting stars or falling stars are neither magical nor stars. Rather meteors produced by small fragments of cosmic debris, typically from comets. Nonetheless, the fascination people have over the astral light has been around for centuries. On an average night it is typical to see a few sporadic meteors per hour. However, the amazing spectral of meteor showers refers to the brief period of increased meteor activity that occurs at particular times of the year. The creation of meteor showers can best be understood by looking at the fundamental characteristics of meteoroids as well as the orbits of both the Earth and comets.
Meteor showers refer to the observable celestial event of increased meteor activity occurring from one point in the sky. Streams of cosmic debris called meteoroids, most of which are “smaller than a grain of sand” and composed of a “fluffy conglomerate of material” called a “dustball” (American Meteor Society), almost always disintegrate as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. The visible flash of light people see is caused by the “high level of kinetic energy” (Kronk) produced by the meteoroid’s collision with air molecules. This excites a column of atmospheric atoms along its path. Meteoroids can enter the Earth’s atmosphere at speeds ranging from “11 km/sec (25,000 mph) to 72 km/sec (160,000 mph)” (American Meteor Society), depending on their relation to Earth’s rotation. Escape velocity can be used to calculate the fastest speed at which a meteoroid enters the atmosphere (Stehman). The equation to the right shows the mathematical steps for calculating the fastest speed a meteoroid can trave...

... middle of paper ... exponentially until finally returning to the “normal sporadic level” (American Meteor Society). Thus, the Earth’s orbit in relation to the comet’s orbit effects the rate of visible meteors over a span of several days.
Overall, annual meteor showers continue to be spectacular sights to see. Research has revealed the important characteristics that make these events visible on an annual basis. It is now understood that the composition and velocity of meteoroids, as well as the relationship between the Earth and the comet’s orbit, play important roles in making these events visible over a span of several days. They not only affect the brightness of the meteors, but the rate at which they occur. However, despite the extensive information that has been obtained on meteoroids and meteor showers, the legend behind the ‘shooting star’ will continue on for centuries.

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