Essay On Memories Of Sexual Abuse Real

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Memories of Sexual Abuse Are Always Real

Do you know what it feels like to ever have memories of sexual abuse? That would be very terrifying. Unfortunately sexual abuse is all too common in society today. In fact, “16% of men have said to have been sexually abused, while 64% of women have reported to have been sexually abused according to a study in 2005” (,) However, I think that the statistic has risen because more reports have been reported and exposed on social media. Some say that these accusations are unreal and are just false memories, but I believe that memories of sexual abuse is real. By defining the importance or by recognizing sexual abuse is a real thing, by refuting of those who disagree that memories sexaual abuse if real, and by presenting documented research, statistics, and case studies, one would be persuaded that memories …show more content…

Some people have claimed to have memories of sexual abuse, but is proven wrong. This is called false memory syndrome. Apparently in the 1980s there was a “peak of an idea based on science, the notion people can suppress memories of traumatic events, and those memories can manifest as seemingly unconnected mental health issues” (Novella, S). They interviewed clients and was said to have “notioned repressed memories that led to the satanic panic of the 1980s” (Noella, S). This was later proved to be false. The non-believers may also be in denial of a loved one or friends to ever be sexually abused or to ever have memories of it. They probale think the person was being promiscuous in they way they were presenting themselves, by their persona and style choice. However, it is quite obvious that you would have to have some sort of emotional trauma in order to recall a memory. False memories syndrome was created by “hypnosis, guided imagery, suggestion, and group pressure” (Novella,

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