Essay On Medgar Evers

618 Words2 Pages

Isabella Joseph
Research paper

Medgar Evers was a civil rights activist. He was born in, in Decatur, Mississippi July 2, 1925. He was the first state field secretary of the NAACP .he investigated many crimes mainly against African Americans. He organized voter-registration efforts, demonstrations, and economic boycotts against companies that practiced discrimination. He also worked to investigate crimes mainly against blacks.
Medgar Evers was born on July 2, 1925 in Decatur, Mississippi. He was named after his grandfather who was a slave. His mom Jessie Evers was a sawmilling worker and his dad, James Evers, was a farmer. He was the third of five siblings. Their names were Elizabeth, Charles, Eva, and Ruth. Growing up was not easy. They had to control their behavior around other certain people or they might end up dead, like Medgar’s friend who was lynched for being rude to a white woman. He did not want that to happen to him,...

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