Essay On Low Income Inequality

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Over the past few years, the income gap between low-income families and high-income families has increased drastically. In the article “10 Practical Steps to Reverse This Diabolical Trend Is Threatening the Foundations of Our Society,” Robert Reich states, “The Congressional Budget Office has found that between 1979 and 2007. . .The gap in income-after federal taxes and transfer-more than tripled between the top 1 percent of the population and everyone else.” As seen in our society, the distribution of wealth is unfair and unjust, which has increased income inequality and will eventually create poverty. As a result, the number of people living in poverty is increasing rapidly. It may seem that income inequality is inevitable, but there are solutions to lessen the gap, like investing in education, hiring American workers instead of overseas workers who accept low pay, and increasing taxes on the wealthy.
The first solution to help lessen income inequality in the United States is by investing in education. For the past few years, the cost of attendance at the 4-year universities is increasing rapidly to a point where college is not accessible for everyone. The essay “Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer” shows how important education is in our society and how it can affect a person’s status. There are a lot …show more content…

In the modern civilization, North Korea is the only country that practices communism. As explain in the essay, communism would solve income inequality and communism is better than capitalism but as seen today, the citizens of North Korea are suffering from poverty; N. Koreans are famished and they’re living in horrific conditions. It’s great that communism promotes equality but the way they view equality is disturbing and their political system takes away the citizen’s rights and

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