It seems that there are more significant relationships between some intelligences such as linguistic intelligence and writing performance. For instance, an individual with high linguistic intelligence should have better writing performance, at a high probability, since s/he can “use words effectively both orally and in writing. Particularly, s/he is sensitive to the meaning, order of words and functions of language.” (Gardner. H. 2006. 1991). This individual would have both required intelligence and in effect lower test anxiety in order to have a better performance on writing test. Correspondingly, these possessions will assist the test taker to demonstrate his/her actual knowledge and a better performance on test. In sum, to close the gaps …show more content…
(2-tailed) .662 N 40 40
Writing Test Performance Pearson Correlation -.071 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .662 N 40 40
After analyzing the correlations between the 8 types of intelligence and the writing performance, it was found that two of them, i.e. logical mathematical [r= 0154, n=40, p=0.344] and natural intelligence [r=0.172, n=39, p=0.296], had positive but not strong relationship. As indicated in table 2, some intelligences such as spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal had a negative but not statistically significant correlation with writing performance. Interestingly, the results of the present study also revealed that the linguistic intelligence had a negative correlation [r=-0.296, n=40, p=0.064] with writing performance. Although this level of correlation is not strongly correlated, there is a significant correlation (sig= 0.039 < 0.05) between linguistic intelligence and writing test performance. Table 2. Correlation between types of multiple intelligence and writing performance
Ling L-Math Spat B-Kin Music Interp Intrap Natu
Writing Test Pearson Correlation -.328* .154 -.014 -.128 -.280 -.146 -.156
Before answering the questions let find out what intelligence test is. It is a test consisting of a series of tasks requiring people to use various verbal and non verbal skills to measure the individual’s intellectual ability. Now that we know what an intelligence test is we can now answer the question better. Three important short comings of intelligence test that have nothing to do with intelligence are: having low motivation or high anxiety which can greatly influence the performance on the test, also IQ test may contain cultural biases in their language and or tasks that may place people of one background above people of another back ground, and members of minority groups may have little experience with this kind of test or may be uncomfortable with examiners of a different ethnic back ground than them (Comer, 2013, pp.107).
General intelligence tends to relate to various degrees with each other (Cohen 2012). An example of this is that if an individual is good in math, they may also be good in spelling. In this weeks reading we reviewed several different models of measurement of intelligence. In regard to these theories and general intelligence (g), the theories are various but have commonality and overlap. The Spearman's two-factor theory is if a test has high correlation with other test than the measurement of g is highly saturated (Cohen, 2012). The greater the importance of g on a test, the better the test is believed to predict intelligence
Stein, Marcy and Robert C. Dixon. "Effective writing instruction for diverse learners." School Psychology Review 23 (1994): 392-406.
Terman, L. M. (1916). The measurement of intelligence: an explanation of and a complete guide for the use of the Stanford revision and extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale. Massachusetts: The Riverside Press.
Intelligence tests have been developed by scientists as a tool to categorize army recruits or analyze school children. But still discussing what intelligence is, academics have a difficult time defining what intelligence tests should measure. According to the American researcher Thorndike, intelligence is only that what intelligence tests claim it is (Comer, Gould, & Furnham, 2013). Thus, depending on what is being researched in the test and depending on the scientist’s definition of intelligence the meaning of the word intelligence may vary a lot. This essay will discuss what intelligence is in order to be able to understand the intelligence theories and aims of intelligence tests.
Since intelligence is usually judged in IQ tests or just tests in school, many individuals are claimed to have average or little intelligence. They struggle in school, trying to learn math, English, reading; but they may excel in other places like sports, music, or relationships. This is where Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences comes into play. He proposed that there are eight forms of intelligence, possibly more. The two that are seen in school often are Logical-Mathematical and Linguistic-Verbal. The people who excel at these are seen as geniuses and are thought to do very well in life. The others that don’t do well in those two may be better at one of the other six.
The simple skill of writing, while something we all possess, has many different impacts on the brain. We think of it as a simple action, yet it can be as manipulative as a drug. Studies over the years have proven this using modern technology. Writing affects our minds in many different ways and in many different forms.
Many psychology theories have been developed in order to determine how to measure intelligence. Volume 63 of the Annual Review of Psychology details a few studies citing popular theories from the 1970s to 2000 (Deary, 2012), including the measurement of, “sensory discrimination and reaction time,” (Deary, 2012). After 2000, however, “interest has focused, in the broadly psychometric-experimental levels, on processing speed and working memory as potential explanatory variables for intelligence,” (Deary, 2012). In measuring intelligence, scientists are focu...
As a State College student who received her high school diploma from an urban school district, I have found that often, students of urban schools have a difficult time becoming fluent writers and speakers of Standard English. According to the book Teaching Strategies for the Culturally Disadvantaged, Intelligence tests are usually linked with how well a student knows Standard English and the culture of the dominant race. Therefore, some students whose cultures vary from that of the ìsocial normî are unlikely to be ìwell readî or have exceptionally high IQ scores. And because it is often assumed that thinking is a product either of a lot of knowledge o...
Qualitative and quantitative instruments were used in obtaining data for this instructional problem. The first instrument used was quantitative, the instructor gave students a writing assignment, and when it was graded, it was clear that there was a problem with effective topic and thesis statements, as well as general organization of the paper. To be sure that this wasn’t an isolated problem, the second instrument was developed; a quantitative instrument that surveyed the teachers, asking for information on their students comprehensive writing skills.
writing” by R. Ramsey, the ability to write competently is a requirement for success in any field.
Writing is an important part of everyone’s life, whether we use it in school, in the workplace, as a hobby or in personal communication. It is important to have this skill because it helps us as writers to express feelings and thoughts to other people in a reasonably permanent form. Formal writing forms like essays, research papers, and articles stimulates critically thinking. This helps the writer to learn how to interpret the world around him/her in a meaningful way. In college, professors motivate students to write in a formal, coherent manner, without losing their own voice in the process. Improving your writing skills is important, in every English class that’s the main teaching point; to help students improve their writing skills. Throughout my college experience I have acknowledge that
There is much debate about IQ tests. There are many definitions of intelligence and no one agreed on a specific definition. Triarchic theory one of definitions which is describe intelligence categories in three aspects involved: analytical, creative and practical (Sternbery, 1958). Some researches emphasize that IQ tests are meaningless and measures intelligence as Cohen (1991) believes that IQ scores can predict if people success in school and work or not. However, other researches argue that IQ tests is meaningless and it not possible to determined intelligence. For example, Rawat (2001) clime that IQ scores are affected by many factors. As a result, people could not depended on IQ results. This essay will argue that taking IQ tests as a measures of intelligence is insignificant. Although, it also might present some benefits. In order to demonstrate this the essay first will discuss IQ scores are able to change and it is not a good criterion to depend on. Second, it will argue that there are many factors affected on intelligence such as heredity and socio-economic factors. Moreover, it will show the differences between success and intelligence. Furthermore, it will focus on using IQ tests to discriminate between people.
The study of IQ and how it operates in the education field has been argued through various theories. Theorist such as Howard Garner, R...
“Man is an animal that lives in language as a fish lives in water and so written communication is just one of the ways that man can survive through” (English scholar Annie Dillard). Writing is a skill to give information. Like all skills, it is not inborn and so it needs to be learnt. To give information you need good communication skills including the ability to write simply, clearly and concisely (Harris & Cunningham, 1996).