Kidney Dialysis Essay

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Kidney dialysis is required when a patient’s kidneys are not functioning properly or only have one left. Kidneys have a very important job of filtering your blood. They remove waste, extra fluid and flush it, from the body through urine. This disease is called Chronic Kidney Disease which is caused by high blood pressure, blocked renal artery, kidney infections and long term use of a type of medicine. Kidneys can also suffer from sudden kidney failure which is called Acute Renal Failure. The process of kidney dialysis has a massive impact on a patient’s life, having to go into the hospital 2-3 times a week. When kidneys have suffered from renal failure they can’t complete their job which is cleaning blood, removing waste and fluid, replacing electrolytes levels and helps keep blood pressure controlled. The only other option is to have a kidney transplant which can take up to years, or having continuous dialysis treatments for the rest of the patient’s life.
Dialysis doesn’t fix every function, but it does the job normal kidneys would do. If the patients Kidneys aren’t working and have no support, the kidneys will die after a short amount of time due to the build-up of waste and unwanted fluid. Sometimes patients feel fatigued from the dialysis …show more content…

Inside both Kidneys there are millions of tiny nephrons that filter your blood. During dialysis, your blood is being cleaned by a fluid dialysate a “bath”. Wastes and fluids get moved into the bath and are taken away from your body. The machine controls the flow of the blood and what’s getting poured into the bath. Around 31 million people (10% of the population) in the US alone have chronic kidney disease. In Australia 50 people die every day. Statistics show that 1.7 million people have kidney diseases. A peritoneal machine is the one which can be used at home and usually a hemodialysis used at the centre that the patient

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